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Pennsylvania Immigration and Citizenship Coalition

Main Office: 2100 Arch Street,, 4th Floor | Philadelphia | PA | 19103




Unlocking Opportunities and Empowering Communities: Pennsylvania Immigration and Citizenship Coalition

In a world that is becoming increasingly interconnected, the Pennsylvania Immigration and Citizenship Coalition (PICC) stands as a beacon of hope and unity. With a diverse coalition of over 60 member organizations and hundreds of individual supporters, PICC is at the forefront of championing immigrant rights in Pennsylvania. As a unique organization that brings together individuals from different ethnicities, immigration statuses, faiths, and backgrounds, PICC creates an environment that fosters collaboration, understanding, and empowerment.

At its core, PICC is driven by a powerful mission – to promote the rights and integration of immigrants and refugees in Pennsylvania. This mission is not only noble but also essential in a society that thrives on diversity and inclusivity. By advocating for fair and just immigration policies, PICC ensures that immigrants and refugees have a voice and are treated with dignity and respect.

One of the most exciting aspects of working at PICC is the opportunity to engage with government institutions and influence policy decisions. PICC recognizes the importance of working hand in hand with the government to create meaningful change. Through strategic partnerships and advocacy efforts, PICC has successfully influenced policies at the local, state, and federal levels. This collaboration with the government not only amplifies the impact of PICC's work but also provides staff members with a unique platform to make a difference.

The government's recognition of PICC's expertise and commitment to immigrant rights is a testament to the organization's credibility and influence. PICC is often called upon to provide expert testimony, participate in policy discussions, and collaborate on initiatives that shape the future of immigration in Pennsylvania. This level of engagement with the government not only allows staff members to contribute to the development of policies but also provides them with invaluable opportunities for professional growth and development.

PICC's commitment to fostering a sense of community and belonging is another reason why working at this organization can be incredibly exciting. With a membership that includes community groups, social, health, and legal service providers, advocacy organizations, labor unions, and faith communities, PICC creates a vibrant and inclusive network of individuals and organizations. This network serves as a support system for staff members, providing them with a wealth of knowledge, resources, and connections.

The collaborative nature of PICC's work also means that staff members have the opportunity to engage with a wide range of stakeholders. From community leaders to grassroots activists, from legal experts to faith-based organizations, PICC's network is a melting pot of diverse perspectives and expertise. This exposure to different viewpoints and experiences not only enriches staff members' understanding of immigration issues but also broadens their horizons and fosters personal growth.

Furthermore, PICC's commitment to social justice and equity extends beyond its advocacy efforts. The organization actively promotes a healthy work-life balance and invests in the well-being of its staff members. With a supportive and inclusive work environment, PICC ensures that staff members feel valued, empowered, and motivated to make a difference. This commitment to staff well-being is reflected in the organization's comprehensive benefits package, professional development opportunities, and flexible work arrangements.

In conclusion, working at the Pennsylvania Immigration and Citizenship Coalition is an exhilarating experience that offers staff members the chance to be part of a movement that is shaping the future of immigration in Pennsylvania. With a diverse coalition, strategic government partnerships, and a commitment to community engagement, PICC provides a platform for individuals to make a meaningful impact and unlock opportunities for immigrants and refugees. By joining PICC, individuals can become catalysts for change, advocates for justice, and champions of inclusivity. Together, we can build a society that celebrates diversity and ensures that every individual, regardless of their background, has the opportunity to thrive.

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