published October 10, 2017

By David Dorion

How Being Paid Is Changing in the Workplace

How Being Paid is changing in the Workplace

In today’s working world, it isn’t always about the money. Sure, the Benjamins matter, yet these days it’s about much more than just base pay for many employees. Work-life balances, gym memberships and flexible work hours are all part of this new working world which recruiters and hiring managers should know about.
Variable Pay Is Becoming More Common and More Frequent

Variable pay can take form in different ways depending upon where it is implemented. In some companies, an employee might receive a bonus for staying late at their job, or helping other employees with their projects.
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Pluses and Minuses of Variable Pay

While variable pay catches on in the market place, especially through innovations to align compensation and performance and types of plans, some entities simply find that variable pay isn’t a good solution.
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Say Goodbye to the Annual Pay Raise

Pay raises do nothing to motivate or make workers feel appreciated. In fact, with the usual raise totaling no more than 2% more of a person’s paycheck, the annual pay raise is more an indignant face slap than a reward.
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Types of Variable Pay

There are many types of variable pay, such as incentives, recognition and bonuses. Keep reading to find out more types of variable pay.
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What Is Skill-Based Pay?

As a hiring manager or employer, a great way to kick-start your employees to the next level is by giving them skill-based bonuses and pay. Read more to find out if skill-based pay might work for you.
Go here to read the full article.

Pros & Cons of Competency Based Pay Plans

Some businesses are not set up for competency-based pay plans. Read this article to see if your business can support a competency based pay plan.
Go here to read the full article.

Salary Plans: What compensation plan is best for your business?

Just in the way that one job doesn’t resemble another, even if it is a similar job, one employee doesn’t exactly mirror another employee. This may be especially true as far as compensation is involved, as well as the type of business an employer has. Read this article to find out what compensation plan is best for your business.
Go here to read the full article.

Choosing an Effective Compensation Plan

This article offers a comprehensive pro and con list of various compensation plans your business may be able to use.
Go here to read the full article.

Job-Based Pay vs. Knowledge-Based Pay

Are you thinking of arraying your workforce into a knowledge-based pay structure? Check out this article to find out the pros and cons of switching from a job-based pay structure to one that is knowledge based.
Go here to read the full article.

Advantages of Skill-Based Pay

Read about the advantages that can come about for your business through skill-based pay.
Go here to read the full article.

Compensation: How to Be Fair, Yet Provocative

This article looks into how law firms divide their revenues and how that process is coming under increasing pressure that law firm management must now face.
Go here to read the full article.

How Do You Properly Compensate (and Incentivize) Associate Attorneys?

Improperly incentivized associates can lead to a law firm’s collapse. Read this article to find out how one partner reconsidered his compensation program for his associates.
Go here to read the full article.

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