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Maria Laus

Maria Laus

Bio: Maria Laus earned her degree at De La Salle University. She worked as a Business Development Manager for a recruitment firm for several years before transitioning into journalism.

Role: As an author of legal career news articles for, Maria's role is to keep legal professionals up to date on the latest trends and developments in the legal job market. Her articles cover a wide range of topics, including job openings, salary trends, and changes in the legal landscape. Maria’'s articles provide valuable insights into the legal industry and help legal professionals make informed decisions about their careers. She also writes advice articles on career management, job searching, and other relevant topics to help readers advance in their legal careers.

Why, Yes, I Would Like to Pay as Much Tax as Half the U.S. Does!

We've all heard about how those rich, nasty corporations are the source of most of what's wrong with America and perhaps the rest of the world. Whether that's true or not, I'm not going to venture an opinion.

The Supreme Court, Microsoft, Exxon? Bah - the Real Fun Is Representing Hogs!

Hogs? Yes, hogs — groundhogs, that is. We just had Groundhog Day here in the United States (on February 2nd), and believe it or not, there is someone who represents Punxsutawney Phil, the ''national groundhog.''

Edwards Legal Supporters Being Courted by Obama, Clinton

Presidential candidate John Edwards has dropped out of the race for the Democratic U.S. presidential nomination. He, of course, is a prominent member of the plaintiffs' bar, and as such naturally attracted numerous donations and other support from the legal community.

UCLA Gets Center on Climate Change

Thanks to a donation and a matching-gift challenge, $10 million will fund a new center for the University of California — Los Angeles School of Law. The donation was initiated by Dan Emmett, who is a real estate businessman in Santa Monica, CA. The center will focus on the environment and climate change. A law clinic and a law and policy program are the main foci as of...

Man Fired for Using Medicinal Marijuana

On January 24 California Supreme Court justices decided in a 5-2 court ruling that employers have the right to fire workers if they are found using medicinal marijuana — even if it was legally prescribed by a doctor. However, those in support of medicinal marijuana argue that the court's ruling conflicts with the 1996 law ''which prohibits the state from criminalizing...

Handling layoff's in a law firm

When a firm lays off associates, it's usually big news. In New York several prominent firms have laid off associates, or offered buyouts, or some combination of the two. These events usually create animated watercooler talk in law firms throughout the city and nationwide, and the focus is rightly on those lawyers who are immediately affected. What are the severance...

Class Action Lawsuit Brought against Dannon

A class action lawsuit was filed Wednesday against Dannon Co. Inc. for false advertisement of the company's yogurt products. The suit alleges that Dannon's Activia, Activia Lite, and DanActive products claimed to provide certain health benefits that were proven to be untrue.

Unsuccessful Merger Leads to Successful Deal

After an unsuccessful merger between law firms Reed Smith, LLP, and Anderson, Kill & Olick, Reed acquired 55 attorneys from New York-based Anderson Kill, many of whom will join Reed's New York office. They include Anderson Kill's president and CEO, Jeffrey Glatzer, and partner and co-chair of Anderson Kill's antitrust/unfair competition group Lawrence Kill.

Ex-Attorney Files for Bankruptcy

On January 15 former attorney Mike Nifong, found guilty of withholding information in the case against three Duke lacrosse players, filed for bankruptcy in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Durham, North Carolina. His total debt? $180.3 million. Nifong included the charged players ''among his major creditors,'' along with three other lacrosse players, each owing $30 million.

The Rights of Inmates

According to a 5-4 ruling by the justices of the Supreme Court, a prisoner cannot sue federal law officials over the loss of property.

Class Action Lawsuit against Sun Mar Health Care

On January 10 a class action lawsuit was filed against Sun Mar Health Care Inc., Sun Mar Management, and 18 of Sun Mar’s Californian skilled nursing homes by Warren Richardson on behalf of him and ''all California citizens who resided in, or are residing in, one of the company's California facilities from Jan. 8, 2005, through Jan. 5, 2008,'' says a press release.

Loyola Law's Eight-Year Dean Becomes LMU's New Provost

David W. Burcham will take on new responsibilities and a new role as he leaves Loyola Law School to join Loyola Marymount University. Switching from serving as dean and senior vice president of the law school to serving as executive vice president and provost of the university, Burcham will ''oversee all aspects of LMU's internal operations,'' says a press release. These...

Flight to Discrimination

According to an appeals court ruling, air carriers have the right to discriminate against their passengers based on race. A Portuguese passenger in Boston was asked to leave a plane for ''security reasons.'' And there was nothing he could do but consent.

Six Years and Counting: No Child Left Behind

At six years old the No Child Left Behind law remains a powerful force in the nation. But is it a force for good or for bad? President Bush, who “regards the law…as one of the signature domestic achievements of his presidency,” hopes to change little of the bill as it awaits reauthorization from Congress. But he may face opposition.

Law Students Take on Copyright Infringement Law

To help low-income residents, two third-year law students at the University of Maine School of Law in Portland are representing two college students against the Recording Industry Association of America.

Indiana's Voter ID Law Challenged

With the primary elections creeping closer, Indiana's voter ID law could face changes once more.

Judge Judy Show Sued

Legal action has been taken against the Judge Judy show — and it's real.

Robbing for Tuition

On Thursday an Ohio judge sentenced two students to a severe sentence of 20 years in prison. The reason? They robbed a bank, claiming they needed the money for tuition.

Custody Battle for Life

The divorced parents of 16-year-old Javona Peters are fighting to keep their daughter alive...or not. Peters, who lies in a hospital in a vegetative state, unable to see, hear, talk, move, eat, or think, fell into a coma after a routine brain surgery on October 17. Now, mother Janet Joseph wants to let Javona go. However, father Leonard Peters, who was first against the...

No ''Get Out of Jail Free'' Card for Former Judges

After being sentenced to prison for bribery and mail fraud in September, former judges John Whitfield and Wes Teel will report to prison come January 4th.