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Maria Laus

Maria Laus

Bio: Maria Laus earned her degree at De La Salle University. She worked as a Business Development Manager for a recruitment firm for several years before transitioning into journalism.

Role: As an author of legal career news articles for, Maria's role is to keep legal professionals up to date on the latest trends and developments in the legal job market. Her articles cover a wide range of topics, including job openings, salary trends, and changes in the legal landscape. Maria’'s articles provide valuable insights into the legal industry and help legal professionals make informed decisions about their careers. She also writes advice articles on career management, job searching, and other relevant topics to help readers advance in their legal careers.

DOJ to SCOTUS: Rehear Death Penalty Case

The Justice Department has asked the Supreme Court to rehear Kennedy v. Louisiana, the case from earlier in 2008 in which the Court held that the death penalty for raping a child is unconstitutional. This is a bold move, since it is very rare for a case to be reheard.

Bar Exam Students Rattled...By Earthquake

The bar exam is scary enough, and that goes double when you take a bar with a history of poor pass rates, such as California has. But what must truly be a bad omen is when the chandelier starts a-swayin' during the first session of the exam.

Judges Might Toss Your Foreclosure

Imagine your client coming to you with a problem: he is about to be foreclosed upon. What to do? In this era of unending housing troubles, many potential clients are facing this prospect. And apparently, judges are willing to help out.

Deans Clash on Rankings Boycott

In the law school world, the US News and World Report law school rankings carry big, big weight. Being in the top tier of those rankings is something all schools pride themselves on, and those who aren't in that top tier try to conceal that fact. Rankings are important, as students from the

Bar Exam Anxiety Spreads

In the United States the final week of July marks another big step in the destiny of many future attorneys. Law students all over America are currently preparing for the bar exam. Future attorneys have spent several years as students in anticipation of capitalizing on this opportunity. Yet many students are not aware of the importance of the bar exam, not realizing that...

Assault with a Deadly...Peanut?

In many ways, crime provides some rather interesting stories. But this one is quite unusual, even so.

An Unappealing Mess

Let's say someone approached you to represent him or her in a case and hired you. Further, let's assume that you were too busy to actually do anything and the court entered a bunch of sanctions, terminating the case and entering a $730,466 default judgment against your client.

Texas Defies World Court

One wonders why the World Court bothers. While there are people like Robert Mugabe starving and assassinating people in their countries, the World Court (the International Criminal Court, as it is officially known) has decided that five murderers deserve its full efforts to save them from punishment.

Handguns Still Banned By DC After Heller

Usually, when people lose cases at the Supreme Court, they give in. After all, if the court didn't like what you did the first time, they most likely won't appreciate having to slap you down again.

Job hunting during the vacation season - a good move?

Question:I am seriously contemplating leaving my firm and am just beginning the search process. Now we are into ''vacation season,'' and I don't know whether to take my vacation as planned or use the time for potential interviews in the future. And how will it look if I take a vacation and then give notice a few weeks later?

Bible Publisher Sued over Homosexuality

There are lots of lawsuits in the world, and lots that are, shall we say, less than likely to succeed. Then there are those that are not likely to succeed and are rather eye-opening.

FISA Passes, Trial Lawyers Mourn

On July 9, 2008, the United States Senate passed the FISA bill, or the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. Actually, the Senate passed a renewal of the act, joining the House of Representatives.

Rule 8(a) Rhymes Today

Sometimes lawyers forget to glance over the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. And sometimes they are forced to do things that conflict with each other.

Law Firms Look to Partners for Cash

It is an unfortunate fact of our current times: tighter lending markets. Yes, the halcyon days of practically instant loans on generous terms are gone, at least until the next economic boom.

Seattle Loses Its Sonics

On July 2, 2008, the city of Seattle, Washington, lost its National Basketball franchise — the Seattle SuperSonics — to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. This has been in the works for a long time but finally became official on July 2 when the city of Seattle and the owners of the Sonics settled a lawsuit regarding the term of the lease on the local basketball arena, Key...

Caught! The Suicide That Wasn't

You may remember Samuel Israel III. He's the former hedge fund CEO who got convicted on fraud charges for disappearing with hundreds of millions of his clients' money. He was then sentenced to 20 years in the clink for his misdeeds, but the judge let him out on bail until he was to report to jail.

Woman Needs A Great Defense Lawyer

There are hard cases for many lawyers. There are tough, hopeless cases. But you can only imagine how much aspirin the poor soul who defends Lynne Rice of Norwalk, CA, will need.

Dickie Scruggs Sentenced to Five Years

Friday, June 27, 2008, was the day of reckoning for Richard ''Dickie'' Scruggs, as he was sentenced for his roles in fraud and bribery of judges.

Supremes Decide Americans Can Own Guns

On Thursday the Supreme Court finished its term, and the ruling that got the big publicity was the long-awaited decision in Heller v. District of Columbia, the Second Amendment case. The court hadn't touched the Second Amendment for a long time, and this was the first decision on the meaning of the Second Amendment in Supreme Court history.

Supreme Court Says ''No'' to Executing Child Rapists

Ahhh, late June. Long days, warming weather, controversial Supreme Court decisions…it’s a good time of the year to be an attorney. Yes, it’s that time when most of the biggest, hardest, and most controversial decisions of the Supreme Court come down as the court winds down its term.