published November 14, 2017

By David Dorion

Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Law Firm Mergers

Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Law Firm Mergers

If you mention the word merger in any workplace, the collective inhales of nervous employees will in short order reverberate throughout the cubicles, hallways, offices and break rooms of a business. This is understandable as many business mergers have resulted in job losses, particularly when one position overlaps between the merging parties. As that, and other merger-related issues may put your employees on edge, it is up to you as a manager to instill ease into your workers. Use the following reading materials for guidance as to how you can help your employees adjust to a merger.
4 Ways to Prepare Your Employees for a Merger

Preparing for a merger is never easy, particularly for your employees. Yet it has to happen when a merger seems imminent.  Read the following article to find out how you can prepare your employees for an upcoming merger.
Go here to read the full article.
How to Successfully Manage a Merger

Managing a merger can be as stressful for a manager as going through a merger is stressful to an employee. As a manager, you first have to know how to delicately blend two cultures.
Go here to read the full article.
What Happens to Employees When an Acquisition Occurs?

Your employees will want to know their fate as they go through the processes of a merger. See what points you need to bring to your employees to ease their tensions.
Go here to read the full article.
What does a merger or acquisition mean for the target company's employees?

Prepare yourself and your employees for the pending merger and how it can affect both you and them.
Go here to read the full article.
Your Company Has Been Sold: Here's What to Expect

This article explores what will and can happen when your company is bought out.
Go here to read the full article.
10 Questions Employees Ask When Their Company Gets Acquired

Are you prepared to answer the questions your employees will ask you about your company’s pending merger and/or acquisition? Study up with these 10 questions an employee is likely to ask you.
Go here to read the full article.
The Human Side of Mergers: Those Laid Off and Those Left Aboard

Many managers simply don’t consider how mergers and acquisitions affect employees. Here is your chance to make a difference in how you regard your employees before and after an M&A.
Go here to read the full article.
What Happens to a Company's Stock When a Buyout Is Announced?

As a manager, you inevitably will be asked about company stock once a buyout is announced. Read this article to find out the questions you may face from employees after your company has announced a buyout.
Go here to read the full article.
What's the Next Hot Market for Law Firm Mergers?

Law firm mergers are occurring much more frequently in today’s business and legal climates. Find out what the next hot market is for law firm mergers.
Go here to read the full article.
Five Common Issues in Law Firm Merges

Find out what the most common issues are during a law firm merger, and of these five problems, the best way for you and your law firm to avoid them.
Go here to read the full article.
Climb That Wall: Law Firm Mergers Are Changing the Way Our Industry Operates

This article delves into how law firm mergers are changing the business and legal industry and how law conducts and operates itself.
Go here to read the full article.
Law Firm Mergers Require Smart Branding

It isn’t enough for two or more law firms to join forces. Managers need to launch a long-standing branding campaign to fortify theirs’ and another firm’s joint forces.
Go here to read the full article.

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