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4 Star Rating


Elkins & Muir, PLLC

Main Office: 200 West Magee Road., Suite# 160 | Tucson | AZ | 85704
Phone: 520-219-4040 |

Elkins & Muir, PLLC - Reviews

See reviews for Elkins & Muir, PLLC from attorneys and other legal professionals below.

A Good Firm For Job Security
May 19, 2024 - Current Employee Mr. in San Francisco City,
Current Employee

Management needs to do a better job of getting rid of unhealthy employees. While no one enjoys letting employees go from a firm, it's better in the long run for the firm and healthier for employees.

This work establishment provides a great work environment where employees greatly get along with one another. The firm feels like one big family and truly dedicates themselves to their employees and clients. The turnover rate for this firm is quite low and employees seem to stay at this firm for a long time and never seem to leave on a bad note.

Unfortunately, management needs to do a better job of cracking down on bad employees. Several employees whom people have had a problem with are still employed underthe firm and management rarely lets someone go. This had led to certain employees becoming frustrated and feeling helpless when it comes to dealing with management.

10+ years

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