published October 24, 2017

By David Dorion

The Rise of the Millennial Workforce

The Rise of the Millennial Workforce

Despite what you may feel, think and understand, whether positive or negative, of the emerging millennial workforce, that workforce is coming, if not already here. The key to millennials is to understand their supposed different temperament within the workplace. After all, the millennial workforce is all many businesses have to rely on for the unforeseen future.
Millennials in the Workplace: They Don't Need Trophies but They Want Reinforcement

The millennial workforce is much different from past workforces. They have certain demands and expectations that, in several ways, buck traditional workforces. Check out this article to see what those demands and expectations are.
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11 Tips for Managing Millennials

Millennials bring much more to the workforce table than just a young person looking for a job. Millennials are always up for change, making their workforce excellent for adaptation to workplace changes. Millennials also understand networking. So what do millennials want in return? Not necessarily money, but more of a work-life balance.
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7 Ways Millennials Are Changing the Workplace for the Better

The advantage of having millennials in a company is that they can positively change the workplace to make it a more favorable day-to-day experience.
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The Great Generational Shift Is Underway

Just as hiring managers are becoming familiar with the millennial workforce, a second wave of the millennial workforce is emerging, which may need as much, if not more accommodation than the first wave of millennials.
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Millennials, They’re Just Like Us! (They Want a Coach, Not a Manager)

Honestly, if you listen to millennial workers and what they want, you may find that their workplace desires are not that different from the generation of workers before them.
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How Millennials Are Redefining Success

Success for many within the millennial workforce isn’t about money or prestige, but fairness, innovation, change and a strong work-life balance. These qualities, to millennials, can make for the perfect job and career.
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The Truth about Why Millennials Don’t Trust Your Company

By nature, millennials are skeptical of most workplaces. After all, this is a group of young people who have witnessed first-hand the Recession of 2008, corporate scams and other illegal behavior, along with a US government that seems in cahoots with these dubious-at-best employers. Of course, this causes distrust within the millennial workforce – distrust that you can avoid by first reading this article.
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The Key to Happiness at Work That Has Nothing to Do with Your Actual Job

Work has evolved, particularly with the millennial generation. But the key to happiness at work isn’t necessarily the job. No, it’s the entire work atmosphere that makes the millennial worker happy.
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The Secret to Attracting Top Millennial Talent to Your Firm - By a Millennial

Business is business, and as law firms become more like businesses, it might do law firms good to check out how millennial workers are being attracted to business establishments. Those practices, in short, can possibly also apply to law firms as well as businesses.
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How Law Firms Are Adapting to Meet Millennials' Needs and Why That's Good for Clients

It’s a well-known fact that a law firm's biggest asset is its talent. While law firms realize the next generation of lawyers – millennials – have their own unique abilities, forward-thinking firms are bending traditional rules to make their organization attractive to the millennial talent pool.
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Attracting Millennials: Seven Tips for Large Law Firm Leaders

Law firms now realize millennials will soon take over not just the business workplace, but the law firm workplace as well. With that being the case, this article suggests seven tips for large law firm leaders who now find themselves in need of hiring new, young millennial talent.
Go here to read the full article.
How the "Millennial" Generation Works

Law firms are famously known to evolve slowly, especially in a social sense, and particularly when a new generation of lawyers applies to open law firm jobs. As millennials now make up a large part of newly emerging attorneys, hiring managers and/or partners should look into this article.
Go here to read the full article.

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