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Public Benefit Supervising Attorney Salaries

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Public Benefit Supervising Attorney Salaries


The average salary for Public Benefit Supervising Attorney Jobs is $118,105*.

Now you know the average salary for public benefit supervising attorneys nationwide, which is $118,105. Want to find out the average salaries of related jobs? Check them out below. Also browse the top public benefit supervising attorney jobs below.

Public Benefit Supervising Attorney Salaries
$118.1K yr National avg salary
Kennerly Lamishaw & Rossi LLP

707 Wilshire BoulevardSuite 1400 Los AngelesCA90017 Phone : 213-312-1250Fax : 213-312-1266 Website :

Review Kennerly Lamishaw & Rossi LLP Salaries for Kennerly Lamishaw & Rossi LLP

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Liebert Cassidy Whitmore, PLC

6033 W. Century Blvd.5th FloorLos AngelesCALos Angeles Phone : 310.981.2000Fax : 310.337.0837 Website :

Review Liebert Cassidy Whitmore, PLC Salaries for Liebert Cassidy Whitmore, PLC

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LaFollette, Johnson, DeHaas, Fesler & Ames.

865 South Figueroa StreetSuite 3100Los AngelesCA90017 Phone : 213-426-3600 Website :

Review LaFollette, Johnson, DeHaas, Fesler & Ames. Salaries for LaFollette, Johnson, DeHaas, Fesler & Ames.

  5 reviews