practice area guide

Government / Public Law
This field covers the procedures that Federal, state, and local government agencies are expected to follow when making rules, issuing licenses and permits, conducting investigations, and imposing penalties, such as fines or license revocations. It is frequently referred to as administrative law. The Federal Government has a detailed Administrative Procedure Act that has been largely copied by most states. Government law also refers to specific branches of the law that are regulated by various governmental agencies. Government law topics include civil rights, food and drug, education, environment, public contracts, and Social Security. The constitutional section deals with the source of the government’s power. Civil rights and human rights focus on the limitations of regulations. Also, other related areas are election law and military law.

+ administrative, + lobbying, + regulatory, + compliance, + legislative, + political law, + policy, + legislation, + government, + fiscal, + enforcement, + ballot measures, + bankruptcy, + lobbyist reports, + social security