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Law Firm Seeking Experienced Workers... Compensation Attorney in Indiana ... a leading personal injury law firm, in our mission... to protect the rights of American consumers. We are currently seeking an experienced Workers Compensation Attorney to join our... growing team...
(8 branch offices available) Compensation: $5400 for a 300-hour... is a statewide, not-for-profit law firm that provides free... They are currently seeking law students or recent graduates... for a 10-week full-time internship in the summer of 2025. The internship offers...
Project (WRAPP) - Senior Law Project - Immigrants' and... Military Assistance Project - Legal Assistance for Victimized Adults (LAVA) Project - LGBT Project Organization Overview: - **MEMBERS ONLY**SIGN UP NOW***., Inc. (ILS) - Statewide, not-for-profit law firm - Provides fr......
About **MEMBERS ONLY**SIGN UP NOW***., Inc. - Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action - Location and Available Projects - Compensation and Commitment Details -... Job Summary and Responsibilities - Qualifications for the Internship - How to Apply - Regional Offices...
highly motivated and dedicated law students or recent law... school graduates for their... work with a statewide law firm that is committed... to fighting poverty, racism, and improving access to justice. As a Legal Intern, you will have the chance...
(ILS) is currently seeking law students or recent law... school graduates for a... individuals committed to poverty law and equal access to... with a statewide not-for-profit law firm. The internship is... a 10-week period. The compensation for this internship is......
Title: Legal Internship, Summer 2025 at **MEMBERS ONLY**SIGN UP NOW***., Inc. Organization: **MEMBERS ONLY**SIGN UP NOW***., Inc. Department: Legal Internship Program Salary: per hour, bi-weekly Location: Statewide (Bloomington, Evansville, Fort Wayne, Indianapolis, Lafayette, Merrillville, New Albany, and South Bend) Commitment: 300...
Inc. is currently seeking law students or recent law... school graduates for a... dedicated to using the law to fight poverty and... access to justice. The selected interns will be part of a law firm that encourages diversity,... multiculturalism, an...
Internship Opportunity with **MEMBERS ONLY**SIGN UP NOW***., Inc. for Summer 2025 Statewide Projects: - LGBT Project provides free legal advice, information and representation to LGBT individuals throughout Indiana - Common issues addressed include name and gender marker changes, insurance...
is a statewide, not-for-profit law firm that provides free... seeking dedicated and passionate law students for our Legal... are interested in poverty law and equal access to... justice. The internship will last for a period of 10 weeks during which...