Employer Legal Articles

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5 Ways to Expand Your Law Firm So it Is More Client Friendly

Summary: Is your law firm everything it can be for your clients? Find out in this article how your firm can offer your clients more.

7 Reasons Young Lawyers are Better than Older Lawyers

Summary: There are many strong reasons why law firm managers should have as many young lawyers as older lawyers.

The Art of Managing a Law Firm

Summary: Law firm managers need to have a strong business sense to properly run a law firm.

LawCrossing’s Top 10 Most Popular Employer Articles of 2018

Summary: LawCrossing for employers shares the most read articles of 2018.

The Saviors of Today's Law Firms May Be Millennials

Summary: Law firms from now and on into the future will have to learn how to deal with the upcoming crop of millennial lawyers.

How and Why Do Law Firms Die, And What Can You as a Lawyer Do About It

Summary: Scandal, client-lawyer die off, a change in practice area –these events in your law firm can greatly affect your practice.

The Death of an Attorney and Other Law Firm Consequences

Summary: Is your law firm prepared to carry on if you leave it?

Why Lawyers with School Pedigree Should Not Always Matter within Your Law Firm

Summary: Law school pedigree depends as much upon how successful a law firm is as it does the type of clientele the law firm has.

How Law Firms Can Get More Legal Business With a More Compelling About Us Page

Summary: This article demonstrates the importance of “about us” pages on law firm websites.

The Top Attributes of Law Firms Leaders: Characteristics of the Most Effective and Loved Law Firm Leaders

Summary: Do you have a natural leader in your law firm? If not, one needs to be established ASAP.

What Millenial Lawyers Want, Need, Demand and Cry About: How Law Firms Can Cope With Babies

Summary: Millennials have now become part of the legal landscape. What have you done within your law firm culture to prepare for their arrival?

The New Generation of Lawyers, and How They Will Topple the Old Legal Guard

Summary: If you want your lawyers and law firm to stay relevant, you need to read this article about how law firms need to modernize how they run and who they represent.

The 10 Most Effective Law Firm Marketing Techniques

Summary: A long tradition of marketing exists in American business. Why shouldn’t law firms do the same?

How to Fix Unequal Pay in your Business

Summary: Read these articles to find out how you should deal with gender pay gaps in your business.

What to Do If You Can’t Pay Your Employees

Summary: Read these articles to find out the consequences of a company not paying their employees.

The 5 Most Important Aspects of Employee Law Firm Brand

Summary: Read these articles to find out what it takes to establish and maintain your company’s brand.

The Pros and Cons of a Four-Day Work Week

Summary: Read these articles to find out if four-day work weeks are good for your company.

The 5 Concerns You and Your Law Firm Should Have About Brand Fatigue

Summary: Read these articles to understand brand fatigue.

Is Your Law Firm Ready for the Z Generation?

Summary: Read these articles to understand Z Generation workers.

What Can Law Firms Do to Deal With Millenial Lawyers? How Can Law Firms Attract and Keep Millennial Lawyers

Summary: Read these articles to understand millennial workers.

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