Employer Legal Articles

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8 Ways to Ensure You Hire Stars

Far too many legal-hiring organizations fail to hire stars because their hiring process actually prevents superstar candidates from ever getting in the door. By reviewing the following list of suggestions for organizing and streamlining your approach to hiring, you should be able to maximize your chances of hiring the star candidates who may have eluded your recruiting efforts in the past.

Interviewing a Law Firm: Distinctions that Make the Difference

I recently asked a managing partner (who is actively in the market for lateral partners) how his firm distinguishes itself from its competitors. The response I got was, "We've got a great firm and we make a ton of money." I have to give him points for being superlative, if not terribly specific. He wasn't being flip; it was clear that he believes that these are the two reasons for partners to join his practice. But as someone who talks to firms about their senior-level needs on a regular basis, these may be important characteristics of the firm, but they are hardly distinguishing characteristics of the firm. The truth is many firms aren't great at articulating what makes them different from their competitors.

How Attorneys Choose Law Firms

As professional search consultants, part of our job is to counsel attorneys on a daily basis as to how they should choose between competing law firms. There is a considerable degree of insight that is needed to understand the psychology that attorneys attach to choosing between competing offers, and contrary to popular perception, attorneys do not always choose to work in the highest-paying or most prestigious law firms. Understanding why attorneys choose one firm over another can help you both attract and retain attorneys after they are hired.

Four Key Steps to Effectively Market Your Law Firm

Regardless of how limited your marketing dollars or experience may be, you're more likely to succeed if you have a plan. Best of all, the plan need not be complicated.

Attract Smart, Young Associate Attorneys to Jobs at Your Law Firm Using a Microsite

In this article Jennifer C. LaRusso discusses law firms' using their websites and microsites to recruit new associate attorneys. For any law firm filling junior associate lawyer job openings can be stressful in terms of reaching recent law school graduates and appealing to them. LaRusso explains that these days a law firm website's ''About Us'' section just won't cut it. Having a microsite linked to the main law firm website can interest and draw in some of the most talented young lawyers out there.

10 Tips for Selecting an Internet Fax Service

You've seen the studies, and you know that you can save as much as 93% on the cost of adding fax capabilities and 89% of the monthly cost by using an Internet fax service instead of a fax machine or fax server in your law firm. You also know you can improve privacy, simplify document management, and extend your faxing capabilities everywhere — even to individual properties. Now the question is ''Which one do I choose?''

Three Simple Ways to Take Control of Accounts Receivable in Your Law Practice—And Stop Losing Money to Deadbeat Clients

Accounts receivable, if ignored or not dealt with efficiently, can represent significant losses to any business—let alone your law practice. Too many lawyers who bill for their time miss out on a great portion of revenue that could have been enjoyed, reinvested, or saved—if only they had received it in the first place.

Law Firm Marketing is on the Rise

Law firms everywhere are quickly jumping on the marketing bandwagon. It is no secret that many top law firms' levels of success in 2006 were attributed to their marketing budgets, according to the BTI Consulting Group, which surveyed 60% of all Am Law firms. The average marketing budget among top firms was $9 million.

The Benefits of Hiring an Administrator in Law Firms

When it comes to management at law firms, management does not simply refer to case management. It is also connotes the fact that law firms are businesses. Therefore, lawyers must also manage the business aspects of the firm, including payroll, purchasing supplies, and human resources. However, most lawyers are not specifically trained to handle the business side and would prefer to stick to the legal matters. Even if one were to delegate those responsibilities to a paralegal or legal secretary, either of those people may also have inadequate experience or education.

New Faces, New Ideas: Diversity in Law Firms Makes Business Sense, Part 2

This is the second of a two-part article on diversity in law firms. This first article examined why more law firms are recognizing the value of having a diverse workplace. This second part provides ideas for recruiting and retaining an inclusive workforce and offers some advice to smaller firms.

New Faces, New Ideas: Diversity in Law Firms Makes Business Sense

This is the first of a two-part article on diversity in law firms. This first section examines why more law firms are recognizing the value of having a diverse workplace. The second part will provide ideas for recruiting and retaining an inclusive workforce and offer some advice for smaller firms.

Corporate Compliance Training, Part II

Cultivating a legal and ethical business climate is a two-step process. First, the courts, regulatory agencies, and other governmental bodies need to have the legal and financial wherewithal to investigate and prosecute corporate wrongdoing. Second, corporate America and its employees need to be aware of the changing regulatory and legal landscape, so they can be sure they keep to the straight and narrow path.

Corporate Compliance Training, Part I

Corporate America is at a crossroads. Revenue is increasing. Profits are up. The world economy is creating potentially huge new markets. And according to some analysts, the future appears bright. But few times in American history have we witnessed a larger spate of high-profile cases of corporate misconduct. Corporations like Enron, WorldCom, Cendant, Tyco, HealthSouth, and plenty of other companies-and the executives who run them-have been accused (and sometimes convicted) of numerous misdeeds.

Protecting Your Business from Gender & Sex Discrimination - What Employers Need to Know

A recent Jackson Lewis Workplace Survey that charts trends and developments in workplace law and related issues found that gender discrimination charges spiked in 2004. In the survey, participants were asked, ''Was your company sued by an employee for any reason during the past year?'' Fifty-eight percent of the respondents cited gender discrimination as the basis for a charge, a substantial increase over the 48 percent who responded the same way in the law firm's 2003 survey.

10 Proven Tips for Effective Marketing from the Experts

Business is still business when it comes to the law. Like any other entity, a firm must stay visible and competitive in its market. ''Legal marketing is more important today than at any other time,'' said Susan Sipe, president of Sipe & Associates, Inc., a legal Internet marketing firm. ''In any business that's run like a business, whether a firm or a corporation, if no one knows what you do or what you are capable of doing, there's no way they'll purchase your services,'' explained Nat Slavin, publisher of Corporate Legal Times and board member-at-large at the Legal Marketing Association (LMA).

How to Make Sure Your Employees Don't Have Conflicts of Interest: Expert Advice

Whether they're due to a new client, new representation for an existing client, or a lateral hire, regular checks for conflicts of interest have become an essential part of a firm's operations. ''The idea is to be able to allow the firm to identify…a situation which gives rise to an actual conflict of interest, or could potentially rise to a conflict of interest down the line,'' explained Richard E. Flamm, Esq., expert on conflicts of interest and author of Lawyer Disqualification: Conflicts of Interest and Other Bases. ''The proper conflicts check depends on a number of factors, including the jurisdiction you're in and the size of the firm,'' Flamm said.

5 Steps to Prevent and Safeguard Against Workplace Violence - Protect Your Employees and Your Business

The recent murders of Chicago District Judge Joan Humphrey Lefkow's mother and husband and the shooting rampage that killed three in an Atlanta courtroom painfully reminded the legal community of its vulnerability when it comes to workplace violence. The legal community is not alone. The Bureau of Justice Statistics reported that between 1993 and 1999, there was an annual average of 1.7 million violent workplace victimizations. During this same time, there were also 900 workplace-related homicides annually. The National Institute for the Prevention of Workplace Violence reports that in the year 2000, the states with the most deaths resulting from assault and other violent acts at work were California (111), Texas (103), New York (68), and Florida (66).

Home is No Longer a Protected Castle: Employers Regulating Employees Private Lives

First it was Weyco, a medical benefits company in Michigan, dismissing employees who smoked even while away from the workplace, and then it was Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa, located in New Jersey, restricting employees from gaining too much weight. Are companies becoming too intrusive in their employees’ lives?

Legally, it depends, says Peter Petesch, a partner in the Washington, DC, office of Ford and Harrison, LLP, a national labor and employment law firm. What it depends on most is where the company is doing business. It’s mainly a state law issue, Petesch points out, and there are a myriad of state and federal laws and regulations.

Employer Discrimination Against Smokers and Overweight Workers: What Employers Need to Know

Some companies are enticing employees to lead healthier, more productive lives with a variety of ''wellness'' initiatives, including smoking-cessation counseling and products, weight maintenance plans, and exercise programs. Companies are promoting everything from a discount on smoking replacement aids and health club memberships to substantial discounts on health insurance premiums.

Increase Your Law Firm's Business with Hiring a Marketing Consultant

Back when Sol Linowitz was a young attorney in the 1940s, law firms followed a cardinal rule. ''It was considered shockingly bad behavior to solicit legal business,'' Mr.Linowitz, author of The Betrayed Profession and former senior partner at Coudert Brothers wrote, ''The young lawyer was supposed to conduct himself in such a way that his telephone would ring.''