published March 27, 2018

By David Dorion

Why Law Firms That Practice Profit Sharing Are Likely to Attract the Best Lawyers and Legal Staff

Why Law Firms That Practice Profit Sharing Are Likely to Attract the Best Lawyers and Legl Staff

One of the most attractive offers and/or perks a company can make to its employees is to allow them to share in the profit of the company for which they work. When a company’s profit is shared with its employees, the company demonstrates a desire to not only retain those employees for a lengthy period of time, but profit sharing also reveals a business owner’s appreciation of who they’ve hired and the positive results those employees produce time and again.
What Is a Profit-Sharing Plan?

Some employers may not be familiar with profit sharing. This article explains what a profit sharing plan is as well as how to set one up for your employees.
Go here to read the full article.
Choosing a Retirement Plan: Profit-Sharing Plan

Also known as a retirement plan, profit-sharing plans can come in several versions. To find the version that’s right for your company, check out this article.
Go here to read the full article.
How Does Profit Sharing Work?

While you may realize the benefits of profit sharing, you might not know how it benefits.
Go here to read the full article.
The Problem with Profit Sharing

Of course profit sharing isn’t perfect for all businesses. Read this article to find out what the problems are with profit sharing, and how those problems can affect your business.
Go here to read the full article.
How to Set Up a Profit Sharing Plan

Once you decide to establish a profit sharing program, you now need to go through the process of setting it up. Find out how to set up a profit sharing plan in this article.
The Pros and Cons of Employee Profit Sharing

There are some setbacks to employee profit sharing. Read this article to find out what those “cons” are in regard to profit sharing.
Go here to read the full article.
Employee Bonuses vs. Profit Sharing: What’s The Difference?

There may be some confusion between the aspects of an employee bonus and profit sharing. Read this article to help you decipher and define between employee bonuses and profit sharing.
Go here to read the full article.
Bonus Time: How Bonuses are Taxed and Treated by the IRS

Depending upon the state in which your business is located, as well as the government tax rates regarding bonuses like profit sharing, it is wise to know how your employees’ benefits may be taxed.
Go here to read the full article.
Here's why your bonus is taxed so high

The IRS has specific tax rules for profit sharing programs. See what those rules are as you establish your company’s profit sharing program.
Go here to read the full article.
What Percentage of Income Tax is deducted from Bonus Checks?

This article explains the tax rates for bonuses and profit sharing programs.
Go here to read the full article.
Profit Sharing Plan Lawyers

This article examines how a lawyer with specific training in profit sharing can benefit you, your company and its employees.
Go here to read the full article.

Profit sharing has become an important topic within law firms. Find out in this article how law firms are going about establishing their own profit sharing.
Go here to read the full article.

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