published August 2, 2017

By David Dorion

Leadership, Mentorship and Recruitment - How They Fit Together

Learn more about how leaders, mentors, and recruiters are related in these articles.


There can be no doubt that mentorship and recruiting share a connection. When we think of mentoring someone or being mentored, what we are truly seeing is leadership. Recruiting in its own right is leadership, particularly as businesses and law firms seek to keep up with changing employee-employer landscapes. Recruiting, in short, has to keep itself near the pulse of the organization and attempt to spearhead change to accommodate changes in the business and legal world.

Law Firm Leaders: Who Are They and Where to Find Them

Many in the business world believe three distinct traits make up a strong corporate leader. Those traits entail 1) A leader who comes from outside the organization; 2) a leader who acts strategically; 3) and one who takes informed action. However, when it comes to law firms, these traits in leadership are virtually nonexistent. Attorneys rarely hire from outside, particularly when hiring partners. They do not look at a law firm as an entity that can benefit from a strategic review of its strengths, weaknesses, nor its opportunities for improvement. Lastly, while corporate leaders take a strategic view of their company before putting it through a restructure, lawyers tend to act impetuously as they hastily fire and hire individuals from the law firm.

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Can Being a Mentor or Getting Mentored in the Workplace Be Harmful?

Some wonderful outcomes can result in being a mentor as well as being mentored. In the workplace, mentorships can develop a wide variety of job skills, as well as give insight into a workplace’s culture. But what is the real reason for a person to either be a mentor or receive mentoring? In some cases, a person who becomes a mentor does so to have his or her own following, while those employees who are being mentored could be looking more for advocacy toward getting a promotion than developing their on-the-job talents. So the question a person who either seeks mentorship or who wants to mentor has to ask themselves is what their intent is toward mentorship: is it to help enhance a worker’s skillset or to gain an advocate toward a promotion?

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Good Leaders Need to Inspire and Motivate as Well as Lead

Good leadership inspires and motivates as well as leads. Good leadership also empathizes with those who are being lead. A leader understands how and why employees need leadership. They don’t need leadership to show them how to do their jobs, or instill authority. Those who need leadership more often than not require inspiration as to how and why a job or task holds importance that goes beyond just getting an assignment done.

California Hiring Rules Have Changed, Though Not for the Better with Employers

Once again, California has positioned itself as a leading state in workplace fairness. With passage of its Fair Employment and Housing Act individuals with criminal records must still be considered for employment on a fair basis with other applicants. The issue HR managers and California-based companies have with this new rule is that all the responsibility has now shifted to the employers. Job applicants within a protected class can now more easily take legal action against an employer for not getting a specific job due to that employer’s screening policy, and how it discriminates against those with prior records.

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Recruiting Recruiters: Knowing Yourself Means Knowing Your Network

A constricted job market can make for an exciting and lucrative time for recruiters. But just because a recruiter has had some high-profile placements doesn’t necessarily make that recruiter a rainmaker of employment. The question remains: can a recruiter that is actively being courted by another recruiter consistently develop and deliver candidates that are good fits for the job? A well-regarded recruiter utilizes their network to attract other recruiters, stays active within social media and reaches out to others with blogs, photos and articles regarding recruiting.

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Detoxing a Company of Its Toxic Leader

Toxic leaders and their leadership can lead to employee disillusionment, fear and even resignations. While a toxic leader can eventually be removed from their position due to worker complaints, poor performance or a damaged company reputation, that removal doesn’t necessarily detox the company, particularly if the toxic leadership has been in play for a long time period. This article highlights what a company needs to do clean up the toxic culture that a toxic leader can invariably leave behind.

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