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10 Low-Carb Noodle Bowls That Will Make You Forget They Are Low Carb

published August 09, 2018

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Summary: Enjoy these noodle bowls for those on a low-carb diet.

Low-carb diet trends tend to come and go over the years but they can also be suggested by a nutritionist for particular health concerns. If you want to try eating low-carb, be sure to do your research first or speak with your doctor, especially if you plan to do so for a long period of time. However, if you have already started eating low carb or are trying carb cycling for weight loss or health reasons, you may have realized that it can be easy to struggle with feeling limited in your food choices.

Luckily, our country has adapted to many different dietary restrictions and you can find both products and recipes for dishes that meet your needs, but help you feel like you aren’t missing out on as much. If you’re a big fan of noodles, there are a surprising number of options that you can try. While it’s not quite the same as a bowl full of white-flour noodles, here are 10 low carb noodle bowl recipes that might just make you forget that you’re eating low carb:
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