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What Does a Law Firm Lawyer Do?

published October 20, 2016

Most law firms avoid posting jobs on Indeed or LinkedIn due to high costs. Instead, they publish them on their own websites, bar association pages, and niche legal boards. LawCrossing finds these hidden jobs, giving you access to exclusive opportunities. Sign up now!

By Author - LawCrossing

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Summary: Learn what a law firm attorney does in this article.
Find out what law firm lawyers do and why you should consider joining one.

Working at a firm is a common career path for lawyers. Even lawyers who intend to go solo do well to pay their dues at a firm, to imbibe the culture, to get all the shop talk working with other lawyers. Each firm has its own culture, made up of a structure of lawyers who reinforce and intensify the legal education you received in law school.

Most law firm lawyers are either litigators or transactional lawyers. Litigators do research, write legal briefs, and give advice and legal assistance to companies or individuals. They prosecute or defend litigation. Transactional lawyers work with money, drafting contracts for a business, any financial deals, real estate, and so forth.
Naturally enough, working in a firm means working well with others, being able to be part of a team, and letting the culture determine your place. A firm is a label, has a reputation, and you build a name for yourself not only based on the notoriety of the cases you take, but also on the prestige of your firm. Just as law schools produce students with a given characteristic, so do different firms produce different lawyers.

Joining a firm is almost like joining a family. It can give you stronger security than going solo, ensuring that you have plenty of work and don’t have to promote yourself.

If you are looking for a position in a firm, you can find it on LawCrossing.

Find Law Firm Attorney Jobs on LawCrossing Today!
Gain an advantage in your legal job search. LawCrossing uncovers hidden positions that firms post on their own websites and industry-specific job boards—jobs that never appear on Indeed or LinkedIn. Don't miss out. Sign up now!
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