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Why Law Graduates Are the Best Alchemists

published August 22, 2016

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Tanu Chaturvedi
Entrepreneurship is the engine of the vehicle that drives innovation. Imaginative and creative business ethic that shapes the future of an industry is what distinguishes a business that just stays in business from a business that is an industry leader in today's economy.

It is a universal fact that law graduates are trained to base their thinking on fact based evidence and not opinion-based evidence. The professional training that law graduates receive fosters the most analytical, practical, and factual-based thinking that enables attorneys to create, sustain, & lead in innovative businesses that are both sustainable and successful.

Evidence is the most resourceful class in law school, according to one study published in The Wall Street Journal. In an evidence law school course, law graduates are taught to distinguish what is relevant and not relevant from the very beginning. The application of any evidence law principle goes far beyond a very basic application in any courtroom. Law graduates are the best professionals that understand which battles are relevant to fight, and they also understand that they sometimes might have to lose a non-relevant battle to win a very relevant war.

The most analytical, practical, and fact-based thinkers have gone on to become presidents of the world's most powerful democracy, leaders at multi-national companies, leaders in the highly relevant real estate industry, and most significantly attorneys make outstanding innovators. Historically and currently, attorneys have established themselves as the best leaders in innovation and a lot of other substantive areas of the professional market today.

In modern times, it is a fact that the legal industry and law school enrollments have suffered for various reasons. However, despite the reality of the downturn in the legal industry, law graduates have turned into the savviest alchemists in the professional market today. The benefits of a law degree have allowed attorneys to take the lead not only in entrepreneurship, but also various other relevant and powerful areas of the professional market. Attorneys are the most talented technical writers, communicators, public speakers, and the profession is regulated ethically at a very high standard. It is a more than evident fact that the law license exam has changed significantly in substance and level of difficulty. Licensed professionals are also required to maintain continuing legal education standards in order to keep their professional license. Law graduates are also graded on an individual merit basis, unlike business school graduates. Law graduates earn graduate academic merit in a way that is more challenging than other types of graduate programs that provide similar technical training. Thus, the skill set that a law graduate brings to any professional endeavor is diverse & highly resourceful. Attorneys are also the most relevant professionals in the job market in terms of understanding how to displace industry competition in any professional industry market. Despite the difficult professional market for attorneys today, attorneys have worked to achieve success in innovative ways when the odds are against them.

Dhirubhai Ambani, one of the most influential and internationally recognized entrepreneurs of the twenty-first century shared the following thought, which continues to resonate with entrepreneurs around the world, "If you don't build your own dream, someone else will hire you to build theirs." Attorneys throughout history and in modern times have successfully built the foundation of the entrepreneurial spirit of this nation that drives innovation and I look forward to making my additional contributions in the near future.

Ms. Tanu C. Esq. is a Seasoned Corporate Professional, Attorney, Published Writer, & Activist.
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