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When Is the Right Time to Ask about Hours, Lifestyle, and Culture in a Law Firm Interview?

published June 22, 2015

By Author - LawCrossing

( 82 votes, average: 4.5 out of 5)

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I have an interview coming up at an AM Law 100 firm. I feel like the questions I want to ask are the ones that I shouldn't. I understand that the demands at these types of firms are high, but when would you recommend asking about hours, culture, and lifestyle?

When is the right time to ask about hours, lifestyle, and culture in a law firm interview?


These factors are certainly important, especially if you have a family and are concerned with flexibility and maintaining a solid work-life balance. However, these questions can be detrimental when you are asking them during an interview. An automatic thought with the "wrong" partner is "Is he not committed to his work? Is she not willing to work long hours? Do whatever it takes to serve the client?" Even if this isn't the case, some interviewers might jump to this internal conclusion, which could certainly hurt your chances at securing an offer.

Simply put, before inquiring about the lifestyle of the firm, make them love you.

Interviewers, especially partners, like to be asked things they can actually answer. They like questions about how the firm works, how the firm is growing, etc. These are questions that make you sound invested in the firm and enthusiastic about the work. Culture and lifestyle tend to be a bit too subjective. One attorney's view of the culture could completely differ from another's.

Firms have openings because they have a problem. Usually, they have too much work. They need someone to walk through the door and be able to solve their problem. You need to present yourself as the solution. You want to gear your questions toward how you might help them. If you start asking about "lifestyle" and if the attorneys there generally work late nights or weekends, suddenly you do not sound like a solid solution. You might actually come across as a potential problem.

So how do you get these questions answered? Be aware. Be open to your surroundings when you enter the firm. Perhaps take a quick stroll to the restroom before or after your interviews. Is everyone's door shut? Are the attorneys working in an isolated manner? Or are people actively working together? What's the general mood of the office? Can you picture yourself there? Often times, lifestyle or cultural fit is best observed.

You are much better served by using your questions to impress and ingratiate yourself with the firm. Use your questions to get the offer. When you receive the written offer, the billables are often listed in the document.

Once you know the firm wants you and you have an offer letter in hand (firms do not make offers lightly), then you can casually inquire to the other associates about what they feel the lifestyle and culture are like (remember this is still subjective and is often related to a specific partner or group).

Before accepting an offer, you will definitely have the opportunity to speak with some associates by phone or in person. Many times, firms will organize a group of associates to take you to lunch. This is the perfect time to ask those "subjective" questions.

Until then, focus on getting the offer. If you determine that the firm is not a good cultural fit for you, then you can turn the offer down. It's always better to give yourself the choice, rather than forfeiting a potential option.

Summary: I understand that the demands at AM Law 100 firms are high, but when would you recommend asking about hours, culture, and lifestyle?
( 82 votes, average: 4.5 out of 5)
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