Iyshi R. Johnson serves as an independent paralegal in Roswell Georgia. She is currently serving as a paralegal/assistant at Shepard and Plunkett Law Firm and the Law Office of Attorney Harold V. Jones II in Augusta, Georgia. Additionally, Ms. Johnson serves as an assistant at the Bush and Miller Law Firm. She specializes in legal research and writing, personal injury, criminal, family and tort law.
I asked Ms. Johnson what is the biggest case she worked on? "The biggest case I worked on was a case involving armed robbery."
What makes her stand out as a legal staff member in her field? "My personality."
What is Ms. Johnson's most recent case(s) that is noteworthy? "I am currently working on divorce cases."
Ms. Johnson was born and raised in Augusta, Georgia. She graduated from Laney High School and she received her Associate's Degree in Paralegal Studies from Everest University-Brandon. Ms. Johnson also earned her Bachelor's Degree in Paralegal Studies from Everest University-Brandon. When she isn't working, she enjoys life, shopping for her favorite movies, and eating out.
Ms. Johnson's Successful Career
Why did Ms. Johnson decide to become a paralegal? "I wanted a profession involving the law, but I didn't want to work for the police department."
What advice would she give to someone who's brand-new to her position? "Keep climbing to the top. You will get where you want to be."
What does Ms. Johnson think are the keys to becoming a successful paralegal? "Remaining focused is significant in becoming a successful paralegal."
What would she say is the most important thing she learned as a paralegal? "I learned how to do good research."
What is the best part of Ms. Johnson's job? "Doing research and talking with the client."
What is she known for professionally? "I am known for being successful."
What does Ms. Johnson think about the paralegal field in Georgia today? "There needs to be more job opportunities."
Where does she see herself in five years' time? "Working for a big law firm, an investigation firm."
What motivates Ms. Johnson to be a paralegal every day? "God is what motivates me to get up every day. My children also motivate me. I also like helping people."
Ms. Johnson's Goals
Ms. Johnson has accomplished a lot in her career. What's next for her? "I want to one day work as a crime scene investigator."
What to Expect When Working with Ms. Johnson
Anthony Gillylan, an academic advisor at Everest University-South Orlando Campus said, "Iyshi is an incredibly accomplished professional. She has been working for a while in her field prior to her official graduation. Iyshi's teachers, advisors and professional co-workers think the world of her."