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Sidley Austin Partner and Nephew Charged with Sexual Assault of Teen Male

published December 09, 2013

By Author - LawCrossing

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An 18-year old male told authorities that Stanley Stallworth, partner at Sidley Austin, and his nephew, Therrie Miller, had sexually assaulted the teenager at Stallworth's home. Stallworth is a member of the Sidley Austin's diversity committee and involved in selecting law student interns. He has taken a leave of absence from the firm.

Stallworth, 50, has been working at Sidley Austin LLP for more than two decades, and he specializes in commercial real estate. A Sidley Austin spokeswoman said in an emailed statement that Stallworth has taken leave "to devote his full attention to addressing these charges."

According to records, the alleged victim claims to have met Stallworth's nephew, Miller, 22, at a South Holland barbershop on November 27. Next day, Miller texted him and asked him to come over and hang out at his uncle's house.

The teen alleged that after reaching Stallworth's Bronzeville home, the hosts pressured him into having a drink. He became unconscious after consuming one-and-a-half glass of the drink, and when he gained consciousness, he found Miller performing a sex act on him. He tried to fight him off, but was unsuccessful as he was still weak and dazed.

He further alleged that, Stallworth performed a sex act on him as well. At this, he again lost consciousness. Next morning, he woke from his stupor to find himself naked. After Miller drove him home, the teen narrated the incident to his mother and went to a hospital.

Bail was set at $150,000 for each of the accused, who have posted the requisite and are now waiting further progress of events. The low bail was set after Stallworth's attorney succeeded in convincing the Judge that Stallworth was a man of his word with deep ties to Chicago, and has little chance of trying to escape justice by absconding.
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