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Third Year Law Student Jacqueline Rudloff Wants to Practice Public Interest and Commercial Litigation

published March 25, 2013

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Third Year Law Student Jacqueline Rudloff Wants to Practice Public Interest and Commercial Litigation

Personal Life

Law student Jacqueline RudloffJacqueline Rudloff is a third year law student at Florida Coastal School of Law and anticipates a May 2013 graduation. Although Jacqueline has several areas of interest, she plans on practicing public interest and commercial litigation. She decided to go into the law because she wants to be part of the decision-making process and she wants to utilize her sales skills at a higher level.

Jacqueline was born in San Angelo, TX, and raised in Odessa, TX. She grew up with her mother, father and younger sister. Jacqueline said, “My sister has been married for 9 years and has two boys. I love them so very much.” Jacqueline has also been married for eight years and describes her husband as “the best dude ever.”

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Jacqueline graduated from Florida State College at Jacksonville in May 2010. While studying at Florida State College, she was a member of the Honors Society and the inaugural President of the Business Club.
At Florida Coastal School of Law, Jacqueline was a member of the Corporate and Business Law Society, Law Review, Criminal Law Society and the Environmental Law Society. She is the recipient of the Dean’s Scholar and the Dean’s Merit Scholarship, which is awarded to law students who are in the top five percent of their class. In 2010, Jacqueline earned the Rotarian of the Year Award. She received the Book Award for Civil Procedure and Professional Responsibility in 2011. Jacqueline also received the ABOTA Professionalism Award and Scholarship in 2012.

She served as a Research Assistant for Bar Testing Accommodations in 2011. In 2012, Jacqueline worked for the Consumer Law Clinic. When asked if she participated in any externship programs, she replied, “I participated in two judicial clerkships, one with Judge Arias (2011), Duval County Court, and one with Judge Glenn (2012), United States Bankruptcy Court for the Middle District. I wrote orders and assisted with the analysis process for forming opinions for the court.”

Jacqueline is currently the Research and Writing Editor on the Editorial Board at Florida Coastal School of Law. Her article entitled, “No Strings Attached: Negotiability in the Mortgage Arena” was published in The Student Appeal on March 7, 2013. The accomplished writer also helped her husband publish Dan in Space, a comic book series. Jacqueline explained that a Kickstarter campaign funded the first of the successful comic book series in April 2012.

She is also currently an intern for the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). When Jacqueline isn’t working for the FDIC, she devotes her time to her duties as President of the Rotary Club of Arlington and she is a pupil in the Chester Bedell Inn of Courts.

What are Jacqueline’s hobbies? She stated, “I like to read and I love to garden and cook. Also, I don’t think I will ever be able to spend enough time with my dog Cotton, my husband, or my nephews, Chris and Alex.”

Jacqueline’s Academic Law Career and Future Aspirations

Jacqueline was asked about her aims and aspirations. She claimed,“I want to build an empire.” Jacqueline explained that she was the first person in her family to receive a college degree and she wants to make a name for herself.

What are Jacqueline’s key accomplishments? “Getting through law school, leaving my former job and finishing a comic book with my husband.”

Jacqueline discussed her key strengths and skills that she would like to use to advance her career goals. She asserted, “I never give up, I have a strong work ethic, I don’t meet a stranger, and I really enjoy the art of sales, but I am passionate about helping people, which includes everything from a single mom to a huge corporation.”

As for her weakness, Jacqueline noted, “I think I have weaknesses that are unique to every situation and when I am faced with a new project, I typically assess where I could have been stronger and work on that.”

Since law school can be hectic at times, Jacqueline pointed out how she relieves stress.

“I think I like stress because when there is stress around I seem to thrive the best. I enjoy problem solving. When it gets to be too much, I simply start taking it one day at a time.”

Many readers are probably wondering how Jacqueline handles new assignments. The third year law student shared her process: “New assignments are exciting. My process is to figure out a timeline and a to-do list and then get it done.”

Where does Jacqueline derive her confidence? “By the vast amount of support I have had throughout my life and the various people that have told me I can do it.”

Three Wishes to Live By, Dealing with Fear, Major Obstacles, Volunteer Experience and Great Achievements

If Jacqueline had three wishes, she would wish for a job, to provide for her family and to have a trampoline room, which is something she would love.                                                                                                  

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In regards to handling fear, Jacqueline stated, “When I was a firefighter, I was in an interview and one of the firefighters interviewing me asked me if I was afraid when I went into a burning building. I said ‘No.’ He said, ‘Well I am and it is that fear that keeps me safe.’ I have lived by that ever since. Fear keeps me safe, but I still go in the burning building.” The fearless woman served as a firefighter for three-and-a-half years. Jacqueline said she was the only female firefighter in her fire academy. Although the fire academy did not have a woman’s restroom at that time, Jacqueline persevered and even outperformed some of the men.

Jacqueline was asked if she had faced any obstacles in her life. She replied, “I come from humble beginnings. I have worked my entire life to build something for myself and my family. I finally feel like I am beginning to do that now.”

Jacqueline talked about her volunteer experience. “In addition to the Rotary Club of Arlington I also assisted with the production team at Christ Church in 2010/2011. I was even the director at one time. I volunteered with Lucky Cat Adoptions in 2009. I have done various projects within Rotary during my time there.”

Is there any particular achievement or activity she would like to share with our readers? Jacqueline pointed out, “I have had the opportunity to work with Rotary for over 5 years now and we have done everything from provide better facilities for an at-risk neighborhood Boys and Girls Club to paint a caboose at the local park. It is an organization that I am very proud to be a part of.”

Legal Role Models, Personal Philosophy, People You Want to Surround Yourself With, Most Influential Traveling Experience, Favorite Quote, and Final Thoughts

Does Jacquelinehave any legal role models? She disclosed: 

“Ruth Ann Hepler, an attorney in Jacksonville Florida, Mary Margaret Giannini, my Civil Procedure and Constitutional Law professor as well as a huge victim’s rights advocate, Laura Boeckman, my consumer law professor and amazing lawyer in the public interest sector, Peter Marchetti, my bankruptcy professor, who is devoted to his students and Scott DeVito, my 1L contracts professor, who probably saved my law school career because he took the time to care, and Patti Rudloff, my mother-in-law who is an amazing attorney and mentor.”

What is Jacqueline’s personal philosophy? “My personal philosophy is to keep a strong mind and a warm heart.”

The Florida State College alumna talked about what she believes holds more truth in light of her personal philosophy. Was it fate or choice? She stated, “Choice because anyone can be in control of their destiny.

What kind of situations and people is Jacqueline attracted to? What kind of situations and people does the law student avoid? “I am attracted to people that are positive and that want to hear about me as much as they want to tell me about them.” As for situations and people to avoid, Jacqueline said, “Negative people.”

The future attorney discussed her most influential traveling experience. “In 2012, I went to Bangkok, Thailand, for the International Rotary conference. It was my first time out of the country. It was amazing to be surrounded by so many influential people in the world, but also be so close to horrible poverty.”

Jacqueline’s favorite quote is by Dylan Thomas: “Do not go gentle into that good night.” She explained that she likes the quote because “you get one life to live, so go for it.”
Is there anything else you care to share professionally or personally? “I am just extremely thankful for all of the people that helped me jump off the cliff and go for my dream.” I am also thankful to my mom, dad, and grandparents for teaching me to never give up.

Please see this article to find out if litigation is right for you: Why Most Attorneys Have No Business Being Litigators: Fifteen Reasons Why You Should Not Be a Litigator

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