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Grier C. Raclin, Scientific Games Corporation

published October 12, 2011

By Author - LawCrossing

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Raclin brings with him extensive experience in the handling of domestic and international litigation and transactions, as well as experience in responding to governance and other legal issues that may develop within domestic and multinational operations. Most recently, Raclin served as Of Counsel at Thompson Coburn LLP, where he was involved in commercial and financial transaction negotiations. He has also been an adjunct professor of securities regulation at Washington University School of Law since January of this year.

In 2005, Raclin joined Charter Communications Inc., where he held a number of positions including Executive Vice President, General Counsel, and Chief Administrative Officer. Charter Communications is the fourth largest cable operator in the US.

Prior to joining Charter Communications, Raclin held the position of Executive Vice President and Chief Legal Officer at Savvis, Inc., an international information technology outsourcing, virtual private networks, managed hosting, and Internet services provider that primarily serves commercial enterprises.

Before his time with Savvis, Raclin worked for the London-based company, Global TeleSystems, Inc. where he was the Chief Administrative Officer and General Counsel. He served in this role from 1997 to 2004.

He also spent 17 years in private practice in firms such as Gardner, Carlton & Douglas and Heron; Burchette, Ruckert & Rothwell; and Sidley Austin LLP. While at Garder, Carlton & Douglas, Raclin served as the firm's Vice-Chairman and a managing Partner.

He holds a JD from Northwestern University School of Law and a BA in Philosophy from Northwestern University.

“We are pleased to add such a seasoned professional to our executive team. Grier is known as an effective and decisive leader and he has successfully managed several complex domestic and international transactions. I'm confident that Grier's extraordinary legal experiences in large multinational publicly traded corporations will provide strong leadership as we move forward with our core strategies,” said the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Scientific Games, Lorne Weil.

The Scientific Games Corporation is a New york-headquartered company that offers gaming solutions to lottery and gaming organizations around the globe.
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