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Todd Rogers, Assistant Dean for Career Services - University of Kansas School of Law

published February 23, 2011

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Before Todd Rogers graduated with honors from the University of Texas School of Law, he clerked for a Dallas, Texas Am Law firm and also won an award for an article published in UT Law's Review of Litigation. There are those who say the law comes easier for some; if that's so, Rogers is surely a prime example. Although he found his way to KU School of Law just a few short years following graduation, he did spend two years as a judicial clerk for both Justice Jan Patterson and Justice John Powers, both in the Texas Court of Appeals in Austin. His star was quickly rising and before long, he'd caught the attention of a partner with one of Kansas City's largest law firms. Two short years later, and four years after graduating from UT, Rogers made the decision to accept the position of Associate Dean for Career Services.

In this capacity, he is well aware he sets the bar high for both the student body and his staff. He expects great things from the students and knows what each is capable of. He works to increase job prospects for graduating lawyers by working closely with various employers around the nation. He and his staff members pay it forward in several ways, including an annual sponsorship of a Speaker's Series. Further, he and his staff host on campus interview programs that generally include at least one hundred employers. The Legal Career Options Day and 1L Mentor Program are incredible opportunities for law students as they seek to find their place within the legal sector.

As of 2011, Rogers was serving in various capacities on several boards, including the Chair of the Diversity Clerkship Program Subcommittee of the Kansas City Metropolitan Bar Association. He also finds time to sponsor the KU Law's Public Interest Law Society and a few years ago, he enjoyed being nominated for a place on the National Association of Law Placement Award of Distinction.

So what exactly does such a driven attorney do to unwind? It comes as little surprise to learn that he volunteers with Big Brothers Big Sisters, enjoys both KU basketball and football games and he's an avid runner, participating in several marathons each year. Ask anyone who knows him, though, and odds are they'll tell you his heart is with the law and specifically, in his role as career dean. For more information on Todd Rogers or to learn more about the University of Kansas School of Law, visit the Career Services Page on the school's website at
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