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Miami Superstar David Young

published August 16, 2010

By CEO and Founder - BCG Attorney Search left

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Lawyer, judge and colorful television personality, David Young has seen an incredible career – and he's only just begun as far as many are concerned. His rulings are sometimes controversial and sometimes comical, but always with complete respect for the legal justice system. Among many of his rulings, he once traded song and dance by an opera singer for the dropping disorderly conduct charges. He also sentenced an elderly woman, 87 at the time, to 31 years in prison. He came to that number because she'd managed to stay on the run from facing murder charges for that many years. Still, his most attention getting case involved a 2005 sentencing of two America West pilots to jail for trying to operate an airline while under the influence of alcohol. It should be noted these are all cases prior to his landing his own television court series in May of 2007.

The Miami born lawyer, Young followed his father into the profession, who had long since made a remarkable career, including being elected as the president of the Florida Bar. Clearly, he had big shoes to fill. And that he did. Young clerked for F. Lee Bailey's Miami law firm, is a graduate from University of Miami College of Law and spent a part of his career in the 1980s as a state attorney under Janet Reno. In the early 1990s, Young was elected a Circuit Court Judge in Miami-Dade and enjoyed being re-elected in the next term. He is quite active with the Humane Society and spends much of his time volunteering with many various animal rescue organizations.

His television courtroom drew high ratings; however, it was cancelled after two seasons. His ability to not take himself too seriously has served him well throughout his career and his deep respect for the law has ensured success in any path he's chosen. Explaining once in an interview the importance of remaining neutral, Young said, ''Sitting judges are never allowed to express themselves on the issues of the day...we are not allowed to say anything that might be perceived as's not that we don't have opinions, it's just that we can't say them out loud''.

After learning of the decision of taking his brand of law to the airways, he was quoted as having said, ''It is awesome. Simply awesome''. Now, Young's time on television includes being invited to participate in various news channel debates and has appeared on NBC (discussing Paris Hilton's legal woes) and Fox News. He has also given his opinions on CNN and Larry King Live on everything from Lindsay Lohan to California's Proposition 8.

Young resides in Miami with his partner of twelve years and fellow Miami Judge Scott Bernstein and their dog Maggie.

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Harrison is the founder of BCG Attorney Search and several companies in the legal employment space that collectively gets thousands of attorneys jobs each year. Harrison’s writings about attorney careers and placement attract millions of reads each year. Harrison is widely considered the most successful recruiter in the United States and personally places multiple attorneys most weeks. His articles on legal search and placement are read by attorneys, law students and others millions of times per year.

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