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Succeeding in your First Year at Law School

published November 10, 2009

By CEO and Founder - BCG Attorney Search left

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Those who are in their first year of law school must be aware of the fact that they are in the most crucial stage of their legal career. The 1L grades are determining factors for your entire legal career. If you dream of joining the most elite legal institutions in current day society, ensuring that your 1L scores are commendable is the first step. The law students must consider their semesters very seriously. Apart from studying hard, you must also study smart.

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A point to be considered is that reading entire textbooks will not help you to move forward in your studies. Try to get the essence of what you are studying. Keep a note of the main points and principle factors before examinations and make your own notes revolving around these points. Skipping classes would not be a good idea at this stage. Pay attention to how things are being phrased in the class. Keenly watch the words that are used by the professor during the power point presentations. Make sure that you retain those words and not supplement them with any other words of your own. The lectures you attend help you to get a better hold of the subjects. Do not hesitate to ask for clarifications from your professors in case you have any doubts in your mind. If you are considering taking up studies seriously, try and study on your own. Group studies should be avoided for they often are a waste of time. Seek help from a professor in case you find yourself stuck and unable to move forward in understanding your case studies.

Another important piece of advice for the law school students in the first year are that they should stay away from the trap of unwary law students. The Socratic Method would only disarray your focus from law school examinations. Do not worry much about your class performances. It is generally the quiet ones in class that end up with an A+ on their lap. Maintaining a positive view of life is very important. The law school students in the first year must avoid competition to ensure that he is not freaked out before the examination day. Useless competition will only make you weary and exhausted. It could also throw you off track and make you lose the focus of your aim. Instead direct your energies for generating more fruitful results.

Law school students need to cultivate their motivation from within. The students must recognize the fact that the first year in their law school could very well prove to be the deciding factor in the summary of your life. A good interview and job openings depend a lot on your first year grades. The first year grades could open up several avenues in your legal career.

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The students must read outlines carefully. The outlines when read carefully help you to summarize the points of the cases better. Go through the legal treatises that provide you with ample information on the legal matters. Learn from your own mistakes or from the mistakes of others and make sure that your mistakes are not repeated. Try to perfect your outlines and make them more concise. Look into others outlines as well. Outlining is one of the most efficient methods of learning. Go through the trial cases and court proceedings to get an idea about the happenings of the case. The law students must be able to figure out the different techniques and skills to be applied for different cases. Students are expected to develop and sharpen their skills for analyzing factual cases.

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Alternative Summary

Harrison is the founder of BCG Attorney Search and several companies in the legal employment space that collectively gets thousands of attorneys jobs each year. Harrison’s writings about attorney careers and placement attract millions of reads each year. Harrison is widely considered the most successful recruiter in the United States and personally places multiple attorneys most weeks. His articles on legal search and placement are read by attorneys, law students and others millions of times per year.

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