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Attorney Aretha Blake Advocate for Children's Rights

published June 30, 2009

By CEO and Founder - BCG Attorney Search left

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Attorney Aretha Blake hails from South Carolina and obtained her undergraduate degree at Florida State University. She received her J.D. at the University of Georgia Law School. Today she practices with the office of Parker Poe Adams & Bernstein LLP in commercial litigation with a special emphasis on business torts. In her firm she heads up several committees; Diversity Committee, Pro Bono and Community Service Committee and the JCSU Scholarship Committee. The office of Parker Poe Adams & Bernstein LLP is located at:

Charlotte Office
Three Wachovia Center
401 South Tryon Street, Suite 3000
Charlotte, North Carolina 28202

Attorney Aretha Blake is a member of the Mecklenburg County Bar Association and has taken on leadership roles in the Bar Association but her greatest work has been to work with children defending their rights to due process in disciplinary hearings. She works through the Council for Children's Rights where she also serves on the board of directors. It is a volunteer organization that provides council to students in the disciplinary process. Lawyers and non-lawyers work with the Council, all of them volunteers to maintain due process rights in the disciplinary course of action.

While Attorney Aretha Blake has spent the last three years with the Council for Children's Rights, she also enjoys her volunteer work at the YMCA. She says the YMCA is her heart and she gets to serve in non-legal ways. It was as part of the Junior League of Charlotte Placement she helped to organize a college fair that took her to the YMCA. She now serves on the Board of the YMCA and has led many significant fundraising efforts for the non-profit organization. Ms. Blake recently headed the Martine Luther King Prayer Breakfast for the YMCA which is an annual event for the community.

The Director of the YMCA says that Attorney Aretha Blake is well-rounded in her commitment to civic, community and professional leadership. Here is a list of other commitments Attorney Aretha Blake has made to her community and profession.
  • 2004 Special Committee on Diversity, County Bar
  • 2005 Council for Children's Rights
  • April 2006 Mecklenburg County Board of Equalization and Review,
  • 2007 Minorities in the Profession Committee, North Carolina Bar Association,
  • 2007 Chair, John S. Leary Bar Association
  • 2008-2011 Board of Directors, Bar Foundation, 2008-2011
  • 2005-2008 Board of Directors, Mecklenburg County Bar, 2005-2008
  • 2009 Southeast Region Representative to YMCA National Assembly

The North Carolina Bar Association (NCBA) Citizen's Award went to 11 outstanding attorneys in 2008. The award winners were selected by the bar and awarded for their community commitments outside their law practices. Attorney Aretha Blake was elected by her peers for the honor. Her heart is in the community helping in legal aspects as well as in other volunteer work for children's rights. She is a fine attorney in her practice as Special Counsel in the Litigation Department. Her outside interests not only speak for Ms. Blake but also her firm, Parker Poe Adams & Bernstein LLP.

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