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How to Become a Divorce Attorney

published June 22, 2009

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The first thing that you will need to do is to obtain an undergraduate degree. This is a four-year degree, which could be for anything. Most people that begin college knowing that they want to be a divorce attorney will generally go for pre-law. Even though this is something a lot of people will do, it is not a requirement in order to get into a good law school. Your grades and extracurricular activities are much more important to potential law schools then the actual degree that you earned. After graduation from an undergraduate school, your next step in becoming a lawyer is to attend law school.

The application process for getting into law school is a lot harder than the application process for getting into an undergraduate school. The law school admission test, LSAT, is the main cause of concern for many people who want to become an attorney. There are programs out there for full-time and part-time law school students. This is great for those who are not able to attend school full-time do to family obligations. The higher your student rank in law school the better the chances you will have of being recruited by law firms before you even officially graduate.

For those wanting to become a divorce attorney, it is important to make sure that you are doing well in your domestic relations courses. During summer breaks, you will want to make sure that you are working as a clerk for attorneys in your area so that you can get some hands-on experience and so that you can possibly make some networking connections. You can also volunteer to work side-by-side with lawyers in legal clinics that are set up to help low-income spouses who are divorcees. This would serve as excellent firsthand experience working with the law, with the public, and with other attorneys.

Once you have finished school you can set up a date to take the bar exam for the state you will be practicing in. In order to obtain your license to legally practice as an attorney you must pass this exam. Most students begin to study for this intense exam right after graduation. The exams are administered twice a year. The first exam that will be eligible for graduating law students would be in July. It is not until February that the next exam will be open.

After you have passed the state bar exam you will then need to participate in the swearing-in ceremony for your state's bar. After you receive an official letter that comes from the state bar that you have passed, you then will need to pay the state bar fee. All of this must be done in order to receive your license to practice as an attorney. Once you have received your license, you can then begin working as a divorce attorney.

You can start your own law firm or join an already established one. If you do not have a lot of experience, it is probably best to join a law firm to gain experience and a good reputation. After you have gotten your feet wet, you can then always begin your own practice and work as an attorney that way. As your firm grows, you can bring in more attorneys to help with the growing demand from your clients.
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