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Marjorie Williams: Air Force Officer Entering the Field of Law

published July 21, 2008

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<<A woman of many accomplishments, Williams was born and raised in Los Angeles, California. Although she hated the traffic, she says that she loved the weather and growing up in a multicultural environment; she has always been interested in learning about other cultures.

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Tragically, when Williams was only 12 years old, her mother passed away. Despite such a heavy loss, she was determined to make her family proud of her. She was raised by an older cousin and didn't want to let her mother, her cousin, or any of the other people who invested time in her down.

Williams has had an unusual and exciting career. She received a BA in Political Science from Howard University in Washington, DC. She
joined the Air Force and served six years as an officer and received an MA in International Relations from the University of Oklahoma while stationed in Europe.

She says, "They had a special program for military personnel that included satellite campuses at bases around the globe. One of the campuses was in England, at RAF Lakenheath."

Personally, Williams says, traveling around the world in over 15 countries has shaped who she is today.

"I have learned to appreciate many of the simple things that Americans take for granted — i.e., hope, freedom of expression, and opportunity. These concepts are luxuries in other parts of the globe."

Williams decided on Loyola Law School to get her law degree because of its reputation (she says she had heard a lot of good things about it) and its faculty. Indeed, according to the Princeton Review's 2008 "Best 170 Law Schools," Loyola is ranked ninth in "Most Diverse Faculty" and first in the nation for "Best Classroom Experience."

Two different things helped Williams decide on a law career.

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"First, as a child, I was always interested in law (I loved Claire Huxtable from The Cosby Show), but I wasn't sure what specific type of law I wanted to practice. Second, my Air Force experience solidified my interest in law; I dealt with various international issues, including legal issues, while on active duty. Once I separated from the Air Force, after serving six years as an officer, I decided to attend law school."

As said before, law school opened up a whole new world of opportunities for Williams while also enabling her to draw from her various past experiences. A favorite course she has taken is Art and the Law. She is interested in intellectual property law, specifically the trademark and copyright arms of IP law. This seminar class covered the various art-related legal issues — everything from taxation issues to intellectual property rights, Williams affirms.

Williams is currently in her second internship with NBC Universal. She also interned with the San Francisco District Attorney's office and clerked at a music law firm. Williams says that she found the clerkship with the music law firm through her school's small firm reception and the internships by networking. She adds that she has enjoyed both of her internships and her clerkship for the different, practical experiences they have provided.

"Specifically, I enjoyed the DA's office because I spent a lot of time observing court proceedings. I enjoyed NBC Universal because I learned/am learning about the 'business behind the business' — and the interaction that occurs between the different types of attorneys (reps for the 'talent,' the studios, outside counsel, etc.) and other industry players (producers, writers, set dressers, and business executives). I enjoyed working at the music law firm because I learned various things about civil litigation as well as how the music industry operates."

Williams says she wants to practice IP law, most likely at an entertainment firm or at a studio. This area, she maintains, is interesting to her because it is a hybrid of constitutional law, international law, and business.

"Ironically enough, initially I was only interested in international law or public policy. After listening to a friend who worked at NBC and my other friend, an entertainment attorney (who she says has been her biggest influence since she's been in law school), I decided to seek out an internship at a studio. After that internship I was sold on IP!"

When asked about involvement in student organizations, Williams replies, "I was on the executive board of SBA and the International Law Society. I was also the president of the Black Law Students Association and the fundraising chair for a high school mentoring program ('Young Lawyers') that is held on Loyola's campus."

Williams says that most of her involvement stems from a desire to serve her community. She describes these student associations as follows:

"Each association has a different focus, but the common thread, however, is each organization's goal to connect Loyola students and create a sense of community on campus. SBA's purpose is to act as a liaison between students and the school administration. I was the social chair responsible for organizing a monthly mixer for the day and evening students. As the president of BLSA, I was responsible for setting up academic programs, organizing social events, and reaching out to other resources in our community that wanted to support BLSA. As a networking coordinator for the International Law Society, I was responsible for contacting potential guest speakers and raising awareness about various career paths in international law."

Williams says that there are several benefits to getting involved in student associations while in law school.

Q. What do you do for fun?
A. Outside of school, I love to spend my time traveling or attending concerts. (I love live music.)
Q. What CD is in your CD player right now, or what is the last song you listened to?
A. Lupe Fiasco; last song, "Addiction" by Ryan Leslie.
Q. What's the last magazine you read?
A. The Economist.
Q. What is your favorite TV show/movie?
A. The Real World.
Q. Who is your role model?
A. Oprah, because she created her own destiny and because she's a philanthropist.
Q. What do you think about the current job industry? Are you hopeful about finding a good law job?
A. I'm not concerned about finding a good job. I believe in God and know that he has always provided for me.
Q. Will you stay in the state you're in for a law job, or is another state more appealing at this point?
A. I will definitely stay in California after law school. I considered moving to New York or Washington, DC, but I don't like the extreme weather (I lived in DC for a total of about seven years). I would, however, move out of the country in a heartbeat (preferably to Buenos Aires or Italy).
Q. What is something that most people don't know about you?
A. I love to cook.

"Number one, you get to know more of your peers (outside of your section/classmates) and professors. Number two, you get to help other people. And number three, it helps develop/refine your leadership, organizational, and time-management skills. It also gives you an excuse to get together with students from other law schools."

A favorite law school memory thus far for Williams is studying abroad in Costa Rica for a month.

When asked about other activities and interests, Williams says, "I will always continue to do community service, and I will also spend part of my time serving in the Air Force Reserves."

Her advice for law peers?

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"Try and make the most out of every opportunity that comes your way. Also, keep in mind that your classmates will eventually become your professional peers."
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