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Cruises: Temporary Au Revoirs to Legal Work

published March 24, 2008

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Cruise ships seem to be gaining popularity, and it's perfect timing thanks to the increased flight fares and gas prices that are hitting the $4 mark in a lot of places. Right now is a great time to check out the cruise ship options available.

Cruise ships haven't always sounded as appealing as they do now. The latest ships triumph over their predecessors and are appealing to a younger market. With newly bedecked cruise ships that boast amenities like high-class suites with private lounges, full-size bowling alleys, and therapeutic hot tubs and private cabanas, it is no surprise travelers are looking at the cruise ship option instead. Such ships even provide a nice change of pace compared with other mundane methods of travel.

According to, there are quite a few new cruise ships taking to the high seas this summer season. We've included the perks some of them already offer, along with a few that are soon debuting, below. So read on to find the ship you would like to set your sights on!
  1. The Queen Victoria is a ship that helps patrons experience the high seas in a high-class way. Just like its namesake, this ship is all about tradition and British elegance. There are even separate lounges and restaurants for suite guests on this cruise ship, which debuted only months ago. The ship also boasts a show lounge, a "1,000-square-foot ballroom," and a two-level book library that contains around 6,000 books. The ship's destinations include the Middle East, Europe, Asia, and the South Pacific.

  2. Norwegian Gem is a newer ship that boasts diverse entertainment and comes from "the youngest fleet on the planet." The ship's destinations include the Bahamas, Florida, the Caribbean, and Europe. Patrons will definitely enjoy the different dining options available to them. Restaurants serving everything from pasta to sushi are available to guests, including a teppanyaki room. This 93,000-ton ship also includes garden villas and a bowling alley.

  3. Coming out next month, one of the "biggest cruise ships in the world," Independence of the Seas, will offer a lot of amusing activities for cruise patrons. Features like a "surfing simulator" and a "sprayground water park" have been designed to bring the wet festivities on board. If you'd rather stay dry, how about some exercise in the boxing ring? Or perhaps you'd prefer to relax in one of the hot tubs that tower over the ocean or engage in some wall climbing. You'll be able to do it all while sailing to Europe or the Caribbean.

  4. Carnival Splendor comes out in July of this year, and if the "therapeutic hot tub" doesn't draw you in, perhaps one of the 22 bars on board will. If you're in the mood for Europe or Mexico, then this may be a good choice for you. This "fun ship" is 17,800 square feet in size and has a two-deck, 21,000-square-foot spa that includes a thalassotherapy pool, the line's first. It's also a great family ship because of the large playroom kids can make use of while their parents are sitting poolside watching movies or taking a jog on the ship's track.

  5. Debuting in December of 2008, the Celebrity Solstice is another spectacular ship entering the cruise ship trend. The 118,000-ton ship, which will sail to the Caribbean, even has real grass on board! Half an acre, to be exact, of grass sprawls over the top deck, known as the "Lawn Club." If playing bocce ball on the high deck isn't your thing, though, you can have a cocktail nearby at one of the 10 restaurants or take a shopping trip on board. If you want to try something different, you can even take a glassblowing class!
If none of these cruise ships meets your appetite, you are bound to eventually find the right one if you do your research. Many cruise ships that will soon debut are also going to be offering other fun delights while traveling, so check each cruise line's website when booking your next trip. Happy sailing!

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