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Fighting the Flu: How to Cope

published March 03, 2008

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Face it: you or someone close to you is bound to get some kind of bug to put you out of commission for a day or two or maybe even for a week! Now that we have that straight, we can work on avoiding it for as long as we can. A lot of the people around me have been hit with the bug not once but twice, so it's better to avoid the germs for as long as possible.

A lot of times the most common method of getting sick is from your coworkers, so beware. You're in close proximity with your colleagues, and you can't help that, but make sure to keep your hand sanitizer close by. Chatter and common association are fine, but touching and getting coughed on are big concerns when a fellow employee is not doing so well. The hard part is that it's difficult to avoid people, especially if you act like they have the plague. This can turn people off and may even offend the person who's sick.

The advice that we always hear but seem to forget from time to time: wash your hands! You would be surprised at how many people don't even splash some water on their hands before they leave the facilities or touch their mouths, so experts say 20 to 30 seconds of some soap and water should be sufficient. If you don't have a sink around, feel free to sanitize your hands. You can use the already implemented sanitizing system in your office (if your office has one), use a generic sanitizer, or treat yourself to a nice-smelling sanitizer from Bath & Body Works (my pick: Foaming Sanitizer in Warm Vanilla Sugar). Either way, get something to help you freshen up for those instances when you can't run to wash up.

Your immune system can also get taxed during the winter months, so eat your fruits, vegetables, and vitamins religiously. Products like Airborne and Emergen-C help you naturally boost your immune system, so you can only gain from taking some, especially when a lot of people around you are dropping like flies. They now make these supplements in various flavors (think pink lemonade and tangerine), so you are bound to find your favorite flavor.

Eating out is a cause for concern too during these months. It's hard to really know where (or who, for that matter) your food is really coming from, but make sure you trust the establishment you are dining at. "Sick people" doesn't just mean the people at your work; it means cooks and servers as well. No fault to them, but they are human, so they are susceptible to the germs in restaurants. Especially around this time of year, people can pass germs as easily as a fork.

This doesn't mean you have to lock yourself in your office or Lysol everything (it wouldn't hurt, though!), but in all seriousness it does mean that you have to be more aware of how vulnerable you are making yourself. Once spring hits, many of us can rest easier, taking allergies over the flu any day.

For now, stay conscious of what you need to do to stay well. The flu can keep you from your loved ones, prevent you from working, and stress you out even more! Law firms have no time for breaks, and your falling ill could leave you behind in your tasks.

If you do get sick, though, don't take it too hard. Many of us have already endured it in some form or another in the past couple of months. Plus, you know it's going around when you can't go a week without hearing someone somewhere say that it's been a "horrible sick season." Basically, we are not alone in the battle to fight this annoying pest of a sickness, but at least we can take the steps to lessen the severity or duration of the flu and perhaps even get away with a mere cold…hey, at least we can try.
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