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Fulbright & Jaworski litigation survey reports drop in number of new lawsuits and regulatory actions filed against U.S. companies

published October 29, 2007

By CEO and Founder - BCG Attorney Search left

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Fulbright & Jaworski litigation survey reports drop in number of new lawsuits and regulatory actions filed against U.S. companies
International law firm Fulbright & Jaworski, LLP, has released its fourth annual Litigation Trends Survey of more than 300 in-house counsel for major corporations within the United States and United Kingdom. This report is the largest review conducted of business litigation matters. According to the results, while litigation between employees and employers did not dissolve completely, lawsuits between the two groups have tapered off. For example, 17% of respondents stated they had not gone to court for any lawsuits within the past year, up by 6% from the 2005-2006 survey. Only 65% of respondents stated they had initiated lawsuits, down significantly from 2004, when 88% said they had done so. Moreover, 22% of respondents said they expected to see litigation rise within the next 12 months, down by 10% from the previous year. For a direct link to the full survey findings, go to

Attorney Tim Ramis joins Jordan Schrader, PC, Attorneys at Law
Land-use attorney Tim Ramis has joined Oregon-based Jordan Schrader, PC, Attorneys at Law as a shareholder, and the firm has been renamed Jordan Schrader Ramis, PC, Attorneys at Law. Ramis, former principal at Ramis Crew Corrigan, LLP, has focused extensively on land use and transportation planning, local government applications, and wetland permitting, in addition to several other land-development issues, throughout his career. Attorneys William Monahan and Robert Yamachika as well as paralegals Will Selzer and Jenny DeGregorio, all from Ramis's former firm, have also joined Jordan Schrader Ramis, PC, Attorneys at Law.

Aviation attorneys join New York office of Locke, Lord, Bissell & Liddell
Franklin F. Bass, Deborah Elsasser, and Kenneth J. Gormley have joined Locke, Lord, Bissell & Liddell, LLP's aviation practice group in the firm's New York office. All three attorneys have joined the firm as partners. Bass's practice has focused extensively on complex litigation matters, including aviation-related issues. He also has had experience with the National Transportation Safety Board and the Federal Aviation Administration. Elsasser's practice focuses on tort and insurance-coverage litigation with an emphasis on aviation. Gormley focuses on aviation, product-liability, and construction matters and has previously represented airlines, commercial helicopter operators, and aircraft manufacturers and service providers.

Alternative Summary

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