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Lawyers jump to greener pastures

published August 16, 2007

By Author - LawCrossing

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Lawyers jump to greener pastures

Attorneys keep crossing over the fence all the time driven by the urge to find more challenges, career-wise as well as for better moolah. These set of lawyers, often ranked in the upper echelons in law firms would not stop to gather moss, shunning comfort zones in search of better prospects.

Law firm giants like Nixon Peabody and Vinson & Elkins are a few names in the whole list of who's who keep welcoming new partners to its offices every month. These firms are always on the lookout for veteran talent, and grab them at the first opportunity.

Former Hiscock & Barclay partners in Syracuse, Peter Swartz and Matthew Moses, joined Nixon Peabody's energy practice recently, followed by Jeremy J. Wolk who joined the Rochester office as an associate in the firm's private company transactions group. International law firm Vinson & Elkins, LLP, is expanding its NYC office and insolvency & reorganization practice with the addition of Cronin & Vris partners, Denis Cronin, Jane Vris, and Dov Kleiner. Two more of the same firm, J. Ronald Trost and Larry Cherkis, are joining V&E in New York as counsels, while Harry Perrin, a former bankruptcy partner at the law firm Weil Gotshal & Manges is joining V&E's Houston office.

This trend was virtually unheard in the legal arena few decades back, has caught on and law partners are now jumping to competing establishments, says a report in The Democrat and Chronicle. However, the jump syndrome also has its own bag of uncertainties and challenges. It is not always that the clients of these lawyers also jump ship with the lawyer. Again certain law firms also dissuade their lawyers from soliciting clients. The going gets tough in these cases. However, the firms have now smartened up and have designed special retention programs keeping in tune with the emergent needs of the market.

Prominent healthcare lawyers join Arent Fox
Two prominent healthcare specialists in California, Lowell C. Brown and Jonathon E. Cohn joined law firm Arent Fox, LLP, in its Los Angeles, CA office as partners, effective August 7. The duo comes from the Los Angeles office of Foley & Lardner, LLP.

Arent Fox hopes to leverage on the duos expertise to boost the firm's healthcare practice in the area as well as add at least another three associates to the group. Brown advises hospitals, health systems, long-term care facilities, and has significant experience with laws relating to operational issues, including the design and implementation of compliance programs, among others. Cohn concentrates on litigation and trial work, specializing on healthcare issues.

Full-service law firm Arent Fox has more than 300 lawyers in its offices in Washington, New York and Los Angeles and represents clients in areas including intellectual property, real estate, healthcare, life sciences, and litigation.


Snakes, Crocs, and Chameleons miss the flight!
Nearly 250 baby crocodiles, snakes, and chameleons missed boarding their Saudi-bound flight at Cairo International Airport. How unlucky! All because carrying live reptiles out of Egypt was illegal! This 22-year-old Saudi man, with an intension to smuggle reptiles out of Egypt, was caught with snakes and crocs in his hand luggage. He planned to use these reptiles for scientific research at his university in Saudi Arabia. In his defense, he claimed that he was ignorant about the fact that transporting live reptiles was illegal. But, here's the happy ending: the reptiles ended up at the Cairo zoo, and the snake-carrier boarded his flight after receiving a stern warning about the appropriate contents of carry-on luggage. The Judge, out of curiosity, checked the Cairo International Airport website that lists the prohibited items in a passenger's baggage. Sadly, this did not mention of crocs or other reptiles. Who is to blame then?
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