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Office Space Law School: The University of West Los Angeles School of Law, San Fernando Valley

published June 01, 2023

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Tucked away in Suite 271 of an office-like building in Woodland Hills, CA, sits the underdog of all law schools: The University of West Los Angeles School of Law, San Fernando Valley. Although this non-traditional law school is quite an oddity among the sea of law schools throughout the nation, its affordability and convenient schedule options make it a feasible choice for students who would like to give law school a chance without putting themselves into debt for the next 20 years.
Office Space Law School: The University Of West Los Angeles School Of Law, San Fernando Valley

Probably inspired by the American Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s, the school was first opened in Inglewood, CA, in 1966 for non-traditional law students, such as those with families and those who need to attend class in the evenings. The school was established as a part-time alternative for students who could not dedicate three solid years to law school. In July of 2002, The University of West Los Angeles School of Law purchased its other half: San Fernando Valley College of Law in Woodland Hills.

Currently, total enrollment for both campuses reaches a humble 200 students, and together, the two campuses employ a full-time faculty of four professors and approximately 20 other faculty members. The school's small class sizes make the learning environment much more intimate and easygoing. Most classes only have between 25 and 35 students, and no class has more than 35 students. The types of students that the school attracts vary. Generally, young recent undergraduates attend day classes, while older students in their 30s and 40s attend evening classes.

So what is the point of attending a law school that is not ABA approved? Well, although doing so will not allow you to reap the career benefits that attending an A-list, Ivy League law school will, The University of West Los Angeles School of Law, San Fernando Valley, is approved by the State Bar of California, making it possible for the school's graduates to excel in many types of law careers. Although not all credits from the law school are transferable to larger ABA-approved law schools, there is a series of smaller ABA law schools that will accept credits from The University of West Los Angeles School of Law. Students from this school cannot immediately take bar exams in other states, but many of them have gone on to noteworthy careers in law.

John McTeague, an admissions counselor for the school said, "A lot of them have worked for small, medium firms. A lot of people have gone to work in the court system. There are close to 80 sitting judges who are graduates of The University of West Los Angeles. It's as diverse as any other law school. Some people prefer the criminal sector, and some people pursue civil litigation. Some people use it for their own business. It's just a diverse group."

When people learn about The University of West Los Angeles School of Law and its location, they usually ask only one question: "Where on Earth do they hold classes?" This is a good question because classes are not held in the suite where faculty members reside. Within the suite on the second floor of 6400 Canoga Boulevard, there are a couple of administrative offices and a small library with resources for law students. Classes for the San Fernando Valley campus are held in a suite on the third floor, above Suite 271, as well as in rental space in North Hollywood, which is about 15 minutes from the Woodland Hills location. Strange for a legitimate law school, huh? Do not be too quick to judge the eccentric school because of its home, though; the original Inglewood division of the law school will be moving to a newer and roomier campus in Chatsworth, CA, in July of 2007. This move will unite the students in Woodland Hills with those in North Hollywood.

With tuition as low as $695 per unit and enrollment dates in January, June, and August, this school is a hot find for students who are not 100% sure whether careers in law are for them. Typically, each term brings in about 55 applications, but do not let the modest numbers fool you; no clown off the street can get accepted into the law school. "Not everybody gets in, but it's certainly less hard than Harvard or Boalt Hall. We try to provide a standard that indicates that people have the ability to get through law school and eventually pass the bar, but it's not designed to exclude people. We'd like to have as many people as possible that can go to law school and have a chance of getting through," said McTeague.

In order to be admitted to the law school, a student with a bachelor's degree needs to have an LSAT score in the 20th percentile or higher, which roughly translates to a raw score of 143. Students who have associate's degrees or 60 state-bar-approved credits need to have LSAT scores in the 31st percentile or higher. In addition, each potential student should be prepared to submit a personal statement, one reference, and of course, transcripts.

Last October, the school's moot court team proved that quality can triumph over quantity when it took home second-place honors for the "written brief" competition at the National Criminal Procedure Moot Court Tournament held at the University of San Diego. This victory was quite meaningful for the small law school, as it competed against many powerhouse law schools. The University of West Los Angeles School of Law was also in good company when it won the second-place title; it tied with schools such as Chicago-Kent College of Law and Villanova University School of Law.

Whether you are a single mother looking to move up the career ladder or a retired professional setting out to improve the environment, you will be glad to know that the law career education and resources available at The University of West Los Angeles School of Law are uniquely suited to those with unique backgrounds and circumstances.

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