published November 26, 2013

By Harrison Barnes, CEO and Founder - BCG Attorney Search left

It’s Time to Improve Your Attorney Job Postings

There are lots of stories prevailing in the job market about law school graduates being unable to find a job as an attorney. Instead of pointing at law graduates for the above issue, it is time for recruitment firms to re-evaluate and find out the effectiveness of their attorney job posting. Are they helping you find the apt legal job seekers? Are they compelling? Are they drawing the right qualified talent for your position? Whether your firm or company has few job openings or even hundreds, the same assessment points can help ascertain the effectiveness of your legal job postings. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

Tip #1: An Easy Way to Find Job Post

To improve the impact of legal job postings, recruitment firms need to include relevant keywords in the posts that candidates enter in the job search engines. This will increase the potential of the job posting to show up in the search listings. Those keywords should be added in the job title, description, benefits and industry. In order to find effective keywords, enter phrases that qualified candidates are likely to search, into the online keyword search tools. The results will determine the competition, the global searches, and will provide a wide range of additional keyword phrases.

Tip #2: Speak to the Candidates

Law Job posting is a recruiter's introduction to the legal job seekers. Candidates form an outlook of the recruiter who creates the posting. It is imperative to make a positive impression. A simple way to execute this is by publishing an attorney job post that clearly shows that you understand the opening. Select the right job seekers and speak the language they want to hear. Talk with qualified professionals and make it clear that you are handling the complete hiring process.

Professional law practitioners know the job requirements. Since they already have a job in-hand, they like to hear why they should work for your organization and not your competition. The approach needs variation depending on the candidate level, and to achieve profitable results you need to put considerable thoughts in the strategy, well-before initializing the execution process. As we all know, professionals DO read legal job postings!

Tip #3: Formatting Matters

  • Once you know where to post attorney jobs, and what to include in your posting, use a uniform format to communicate the information. This will help job seekers to recognize your posting and respond as well.

  • Mention company information in a consistent manner across all postings. Be transparent while explaining the company's legacy: website, years in business, number of employees, etc.

  • Begin with the job description. Job search engine result displays an overall view with few lines of the job posting, as well as a comprehensive job details.

  • Provide job location. It increases visibility of the posting. Plus, the location indicators often attract the candidates and make them check the job posting description.

  • Close the deal by mentioning the benefits of the job. Be sure to list advantages of your organization.

  • Tell them what to do next - Apply Online. Always create an effective Call to Action.

  • Include salary information. Stay ahead of your competition by mentioning a salary range. Job seeker feedbacks often include inquiries about salary related to a specific position. This element is instrumental in encouraging the qualified talent to respond to your opportunity.
Tip #4: The Follow-up

One of the complaints notified by the job seekers is that recruitment firms or companies never acknowledge receipt of their resumes. If it is true then this clearly indicates that you are not appreciating them for showing interest in your company. This shows that you are NOT considering them as potential consumers.

Sending an auto-response letter to acknowledge their resume submission is very simple. Let them also comprehend your sincerity to fill the position in-hand.

Technology and Job Postings

The technology has provided recruiters with a significant tool they never had before, the Internet. When you post legal jobs on the Internet, millions of potential candidates view them. Among those job seekers lies your suitable talent. With a clear and detailed attorney job posting, the search for talent is easier and less complicated.